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  1. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hi there..... Im new at growing and wanted to know if you could help me tell how many weeks till harvest (approximately) In the 3rd june I could tell that it is a female plant..... -preflower I have 2 easy ryders and one SYRUP
  2. T

    How many weeks till harvest?

    Hi there..... Im new at growing and wanted to know if you could help me tell how many weeks till harvest (approximately) In the 3rd june I could tell that it is a female plant..... -preflower I have 2 easy ryders and one SYRUP
  3. T

    White widow flowering

    Yeah They are like 1 month now..... It was interesting ;D cuz its my first grow ever.... and some time ago I thougt that I will give up on them.... but in the end I found some good info about them and now Its going great.... mby I will post some photos some days later.....
  4. T

    White widow flowering

    I veg my WW about 2 months, and now they will be 1 month in 12/12 regime
  5. T

    White widow flowering

    So I wanted to know how long it will take for WW from flowering start till harvest day? and about Lowryder 2.... could someone send me a picture how does look Lowryder ready for harvest, cuz I cant tell if its ready or not.... Thanks....