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  1. Thaton3dude


    Well ur eyes are fucked up cause i can see the buds.
  2. Thaton3dude


    DUDE!!! You can't see them cause my Cam is Garbo son. That steam you see is coming out the top OF A BUD!! duhh
  3. Thaton3dude


    i took theses pics about 4 or 5 weeks ago.
  4. Thaton3dude

    Medical Raspberry Cough

    oh ya and all the hairs are purple but the bud is a goldish color!!!
  5. Thaton3dude

    Medical Raspberry Cough

    Had some seeds and i went from there.
  6. Thaton3dude


    Sorry, i don't have a very good camera, but you can see the steam leaving the bud and growing out.
  7. Thaton3dude

    Drug Bust

    Couple days ago 4 people got busted with $800,000,00 of growing and hanging cannabis.
  8. Thaton3dude

    Medical Raspberry Cough

    Yup got it by the pounds lol.
  9. Thaton3dude


    Alright so my kush is close to being about done....and I see 2 steams coming out of the tip of the middle bud. What the hell is its?
  10. Thaton3dude

    Medical Raspberry Cough

    It taste like Raspberries and has a deep deep Raspberry Smell!!!
  11. Thaton3dude

    Medical Raspberry Cough

    What I'm smoking tonight is straight bomb. I have some Medical Raspberry Cough in my jar and it has me feeling pretty good. I must say if you have not tryed this strain please do. Like i said its propose is for Medical use so try it out and tell me what you think!?!? Also good to grow as well.
  12. Thaton3dude

    Orange Hairs Are Dying? 2months in to budding

    Also, I didn't buy any seeds! All these plants came from a bag of seeds. I just pick out the best seeds from the best buds i've gotten that had seeds but not a lot. Then I gave them some secret love and now i have super skunk and G PURP! Simple. Its more fun when you can take a normal seed and...
  13. Thaton3dude

    Orange Hairs Are Dying? 2months in to budding

    Sounds good. I'll probably give her another mouth before I chop her down. I also have outdoor Super Skunk which is crazy. Its has black and white hairs on it. Then I have some Grandaddy Purp, which is also outdoor and it has purple hairs every where. That was after one day of pure sun light!
  14. Thaton3dude

    Orange Hairs Are Dying? 2months in to budding

    Sweet, I'll probably let mine go for 80 to. That seems about right.
  15. Thaton3dude

    Orange Hairs Are Dying? 2months in to budding

    I would have to say no on that one. They are still very small and have a lot of filling to do.
  16. Thaton3dude

    Orange Hairs Are Dying? 2months in to budding

    My camera isn't that great at the moment, but I did take some quick snap shots with what i got. The pictures are in my profile, but the hairs are BRIGHT ORANGE and some are dark brunt brown. How much longer would you say it has?
  17. Thaton3dude

    Orange Hairs Are Dying? 2months in to budding

    Hello, I have a OG KUSH plant thats been budding for almost 2 months. Most of it has lots of hairs that are orange, but they seem to be dying off and growing back! I'm pretty sure the little balls that release food is the cause of this. Here is the twist. Starting yesterday they seem to be...