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  1. Y

    Can I make a seed/seedling last 3 weeks without tending to it?

    Just wondering because I'm going away for 3 weeks and it would be awesome to have some new seedlings growing when I get back. I was thinking of using a fairly big plant pot and thoroughly watering the soil and then just place the seed with taproot in there. I'm hoping a big pot will have enough...
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    Nearing harvest, leaves dying, but hairs not turning orange.

    ill try get pics up later, but basically almost half the fan leaves are totally crisp and dead and most of the others are starting to go yellow with the exception of a few at the bottom. Is there any harm of leaving buds on a dying plant? The buds haven't really changed much in a week.. what gives?
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    Nearing harvest, leaves dying, but hairs not turning orange.

    I thought my plant had about a week or so to go after almost 50% of the hairs turned orange and the leaves started dying. However for the past week the leaves have continued to die, but their seems to be little or no progess in the buds. There's still plenty of white hairs on top and...
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    seed might be upside down

    theres no need, if the seed has a taproot then it will sort itself out fine.
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    Best way to control height for a plant thats vegged 8 weeks?

    Well I have a plant that I'm about to flower, but I'm worried that when it flowers it's gonna get too tall. Most methods I have seen for height control seem to apply to a lot younger plants and I'm not sure they will work on my 8 week plant. Would it be possible at 8 weeks to supercrop it? or...
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    Putting my auto on 12/12 for its last week of flower?

    still cool to stick my auto on 12/12 for its last legs though?
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    Putting my auto on 12/12 for its last week of flower?

    sweet. think im gonna go ahead and do it unless anyone can chime in with a reason why not? also.. the "auto" came from nirvana.. heard a lot of shit about their autos not going auto.
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    Putting my auto on 12/12 for its last week of flower?

    anyone have thoughts?
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    Putting my auto on 12/12 for its last week of flower?

    Well I have an auto that's gonna be done in 7-10 days. The problem is that I have another plant that was supposed to be auto, but it never auto'd. I'm going away for 3 weeks in 9 weeks time so I really need to get my other plant to start flowering if I want to have it done in time. Can...
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    Fan leaves dying, unhealthy plant or time to harvest? PICS

    been giving her 1 ml/l of biobizz grow and 4ml/l of bloom for the past few weeks now every water and using biobizz allmix soil. last time I watered with no nutes. gonna flush until done I think. you guys seen the leaf in the corner of pic 5 yeah? thats the one that kinda freaked me out...
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    Fan leaves dying, unhealthy plant or time to harvest? PICS

    Well within the last week or so the fan leaves on my plant have started to turn colour and some are totally dying. I've read that this is fairly common during late flowering, but my plant has always looked super healthy until now. Could this be over-fert or something? Is it ready to harvest...
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    Putting an auto already flowering on 12/12?

    So I've been growing 2 autos for 6 weeks now and one of them has been flowering for about 3 weeks. however the other has not auto'd at all. the one that hasn't auto'd is getting pretty big and if I don't try flower it soon then I'll have to chop it. I've been running the whole grow on 18/6...
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    Placing lights underneath plants?

    Is it beneficial to place lights underneath a plant to get some light to the areas that don't get a lot? I'm growing in a fairly tight space and I'm worried about lower nodes not getting much light. Thanks
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I just bought this and have no idea how to go about wiring it, I have wired lampholders before, but I'm not sure about this one.
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    Small grow area, but plenty of vertical room.

    I'm doing a small closet grow with 2 plants and I'm pretty limited for grow space, however I have almost 2m of vertical. Is there a way to grow my plants tall without branches stretching all over my grow space? Or some way of maximizing my yield for limited space? Both plants are 4 weeks old...
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    Auto Northern Lights - 4 weeks and still no preflowers?

    ah.. yeah they're nirvana autos. that sucks... I actually think today the northern lights is showing the very first sign of preflowers, still too early to determine whether its a female or a dude yet though.
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    Watering after transplant question

    I just transplanted my girls into their final pots and I'm wondering if I should water them right away or not? I gave them a good watering with nutes yesterday so they aren't in need of water but I know I should water them into their new pots. Should I do it right away, or wait a day until...
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    Auto Northern Lights - 4 weeks and still no preflowers?

    Well I've been growing my Auto Northern lights for 4 weeks now and it still isn't even showing preflowers. I have a blue mystic that broke soil at the same time and it had preflowers at 2 and a half weeks and showed sex at 3. From what I've read it should only take around 3 weeks for this...
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    Been vegging under the wrong spectrum. DOH

    ok so I bought myself two 45W 2700k cfls and two 45W 6500k cfls. stupidly I have been vegging my 2 autos under the 2700k and I realised today when I went to change over the lights I had been using them the wrong way round. My original plan was to veg under the 6500k and then add the 2700k...