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  1. jonnypotseed

    Clones without mothers

    The first go-round you would have to take clones from all the plants. because you would'nt know the sex of them to take from only the "Best Females". then once they sex you just get rid of those clones that came from males. After that they would always be female, unless they herm from stress. Am...
  2. jonnypotseed

    dont know what to do !

    Theres a lot of leaves on that clone for only being two weeks old. I usally cut them much smaller . the less leaves the better is what ive been told. it does'nt have the roots to feed all those leaves or take 1000 watts yet. I would also say its pretty risky to trasplant now. i would wait for...
  3. jonnypotseed

    Deficiency Noobs!! READ FIRST.

    I liked the part about pinchin nipples. I was wondering if i was pinchin to early. Thanks
  4. jonnypotseed

    BB x WW hempy bucket situation.please help

    From what I've read about the Hempy Bucket method you should of started using a 1/2 to 1/4 strenth nute solution after the third sets of leaves which should of been about 4 weeks ago. So with that said im gonna say their probably deficent at all levels and maybe over watered. IMO.
  5. jonnypotseed

    My first noob pirate grow! 500w hps(?) old are you?
  6. jonnypotseed

    Miracle grow moisture control can suck my ass

    Fox Farm for Life Bitches! I'll never let you hurt me again MG...kiss-ass< mg
  7. jonnypotseed

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    You are my idol! I bow to your greatness...this is setup is what dreams are made of.
  8. jonnypotseed

    curly leaves up, yellow, brown, drying!?!? whats going wrong?? HELP!!

    Looks like overwatering... I'll give you props for going with a hydro and co2 on your first grow. Thats pretty ballzy bro. Grow big or go home I guess...
  9. jonnypotseed

    white dots????

    just picked up some neem oil spray hopefully i caught them in time.
  10. jonnypotseed

    white dots????

    I thought so...fuck! thanks for the help guys.
  11. jonnypotseed

    white dots????

    can anyone tell if this is mites or mold?
  12. jonnypotseed

    clone from flowering plant

    it has to be seven weeks
  13. jonnypotseed

    whats wrong with this plant

    but still get a fan.
  14. jonnypotseed

    whats wrong with this plant

    why did you stop the lst? they look fine.
  15. jonnypotseed

    Blue Cheese - rusting, curling and dying leaves - detailed pics

    I would hold off on the nutes for a while. they look burned. just phed water for a week or so.
  16. jonnypotseed

    5 gal dwc. Drinks 2 a day almost!

    i would be more afraid of the trash can spliting open than it going threw the floor..
  17. jonnypotseed

    seedling to vegg how long

    vegg them as soon as they pop
  18. jonnypotseed

    To chop or not to chop?

    Chop Chop!
  19. jonnypotseed

    Grasshoppers and marijuana

    keep your doors closed...didnt you say indoor plant?