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  1. B

    Nutes for my autoflowers

    Hi all. I've just repotted my lowryder 2s into some john innes no2 and have been advised to wait 2 weeks then start using nutes. I've got a selection of nutes available here and would like some advise on which to use and when and in what order. I know I should start off small, using 1/2 or...
  2. B

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    It's John Innes No1. I'm pretty sure the issue was humidity. When I took steps to increase it the plants suddenly started growing and have been growing steadily ever since.
  3. B

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I think number 1 is probably more likely. But the problem IS sorted now. They are growing fine. They are just behind schedule I think. I've got them on 18/6 cycle. Using 115 watts of 2700k and 90 watts of 6400k. No nutes as yet, because they are in John Innes compost which contains nutes...
  4. B

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey guys. I've got 2 lowryder 2s growing under CFL's. They are almost 3 weeks old but look no older than 2 weeks old. Possibly because i had low humidity at the start of my grow. They are back on track now, growing well but are obviously small for their age. Any advice on action to take, or am I...
  5. B

    The correct soil for repotting

    Thanks for the reply. The pots I'm moving them to are 2 gallon. So I guess I could avoid using nutes until..... 6 weeks?? I just figured that john innes no1 would contain less nutes as it was for seedlings, so I would have to top it up with some of the advanced nutrients I've got.
  6. B

    The correct soil for repotting

    Hello darlings. I'm about 2 weeks into a CFL closet grow with 2 lowryder 2s coming along nicely. I've got them in homebase own brand John Innes No1 atm. My question is this. When I come to repot am I OK to use the JI No1 again? I know it's for seedlings but will it adversely affect my...