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  1. C

    First Outdoor Grow 2009! 5 x Ice and 5 x Bubblelicious

    Does anyone have soil and nutrient recomendations or what!?!?:confused:
  2. C

    First Outdoor Grow 2009! 5 x Ice and 5 x Bubblelicious

    Hey everyone this is my first true outdoor grow. Last year I threw some shitty seeds out in my backyard in a small area and hardly any sprouted and soon after they just dissappeared (I'm assuming they were eaten by a small animal or someting). After this incident once it hit fall I started an...
  3. C

    Help! I Think I have a nute deficiancy!

    No I don't have any other pics the edges of the leaves are curling drastically and the inside of the leaves are turning yellow if any one else has had this problem please post!
  4. C

    Help! I Think I have a nute deficiancy!

    The stems of the plant are red while the leaves of the plant are growing with crimpled edges and have an almost yellowing to the inner part of the leaf. Help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. C

    Plastic Sheets for Grow Room Seal

    I just went out and bought some plastic sheet and masking tape, I wasn't sure if I should make an air tight seal around the plants in my closet and then cut a hole in it for a fan for ventilation or is that redundant? Right now the plants are just in my closet and there are flys around them and...
  6. C

    Leaves Curling Upwards Help!

    I'm not feeding them anything, i'm new to the game what type of nutrients should I be using, they are planted in soil that was mixed with those white pellet nutrients and thats it.
  7. C

    Leaves Curling Upwards Help!

    The plant was in the shade for about a day before we switched light sources. I'm not sure of the temp. it does seem a little hot though so i will put another fan on the trees. I am sure about the bulb specs, it says that 27w = 100w so it gives off about 100w. Here are some pics for further...
  8. C

    Leaves Curling Upwards Help!

    Anyone with some helpful advice?
  9. C

    Leaves Curling Upwards Help!

    This plant was brought from the outdoors, into the indoors. It was planted in July so it is about 2 feet tall and now it is indoors. I am using a pair of 27W 55000K flourescent bulbs right now. The trees leaves are curling upwards and seem damaged, you can see little bubbles in the leaf where...