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  1. WhatATool

    Attitude Special for May 2010

    Obviously there was nothing they could do besides damage control-That wasnt the main point in my post-I was referring to the timing of the response: people have been getting their info stolen for awhile now.Which, good point,by the way. Who knows when this vid was made? If you find out let me know.
  2. WhatATool

    Attitude Special for May 2010

    This quote would be relevant if I got jacked due to my own lack of spyware/firewalls, but as the video illustrates, its their security that was compromised.
  3. WhatATool

    Attitude Special for May 2010

    A relevant vid, and thanks for attaching-Now that I saw this, its good they fessed up to it-Once again the timing is a little late though-They waited to put this out till a grip of people were already exposing the situation on this and other forums-its simply damage control.This has been going...
  4. WhatATool

    Attitude Special for May 2010

    I went negative in my checking account over a grand. In the long run, I got the money back from the bank but it took a couple weeks. One could argue that I lost nothing, but having your money unavailable for two weeks is a major pain in the ass.Lesson learned: use prepaid cards. The issue I have...
  5. WhatATool

    Attitude Special for May 2010

    Classic they erased that thread.The truth has been silenced due to advertising dollars. Cmon Attitude.After all the people on here and other forums that got their info stolen dont you think your customers deserve at least an admission of what happened instead of some under-the-rug tactics??I...
  6. WhatATool

    Attitude Special for May 2010

    "Deal Extravaganza! New May Offer:" Place an order with us in the next ten minutes and we wont sell/get your card # stolen!!!! (limited time only.)
  7. WhatATool

    $1,400 an ounce

    lol- a very in depth rebuttal. When all else fails, theres always the emoticon
  8. WhatATool

    $1,400 an ounce

    Again, the popcorn bud over a screen method you seem to be clinging to is not relevant to using with a vaporizer or rolling blunts. Taking away? Thats like saying your extracting kief from your buds.Like the dry screen with your popcorn buds, some kief just falls off-theres still Plenty in the...
  9. WhatATool

    $1,400 an ounce

    Because its nice to have a portable vial of kief to take on the go, and Id say more people use grinders than boxes anyways because of Vapes.-when i load one into my vape it fades just fine, and its nice to accumulate with the grinder since you have to use one anyways.Not insulting a piece of...
  10. WhatATool

    $1,400 an ounce

    you guys need to get laid. why add kief to your load later? to give it a boost and get blazed faster. That spoon doesnt look even close to as sick as a skillet.
  11. WhatATool

    Advanced Nutrients has class....

    off topic but heres a warning: My credit card got stolen by Attitude two days ago.Theres a grip of other stories out there-do a search. they wiped out my whole fkn account and put me negative(getting the money back from my bank, but could take up to 2 months)all the purchases made were in the...
  12. WhatATool

    Advanced Nutrients has class....

    Bro, you joined the forum in August of 08 and you have over 20 fucking THOUSAND posts?!?? Hit me up with an address ill send you some flow-you are in some dire need of getting your man javelin worked on.