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  1. Old Man Pot Head

    what is on my steam it is on the first 1.5 ft of the plant 5to6 ft tall plant

    I really appreciate all the input. I scraped some of those white bumps off of my plants and put it under the microscope. What I found looks like some kind of transparent aphid or larvae . So i followed the instrutions in (THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE Second Edition )page 340. (Scaleis closley related...
  2. Old Man Pot Head

    what is on my steam it is on the first 1.5 ft of the plant 5to6 ft tall plant

    I thought it might be scale like aphid or mealy bug i read it in THE CANNABIS G. B. I just cant find a picture of an infestation .
  3. Old Man Pot Head

    what is on my steam it is on the first 1.5 ft of the plant 5to6 ft tall plant

    I did have spider mites used neem and azamax seems to have worked or is working i noted my steam has some bumps on it white in color the top porton of miss pez is green and lush with little white hairs in bud aprox 6 weeks note can see something flying but can't tell because of air cerculation...
  4. Old Man Pot Head

    clone ?

    here is another resorce if you would like to look go to
  5. Old Man Pot Head

    What happened to my clone? Did I kill her? this web site might help it helped me
  6. Old Man Pot Head

    Replacing GH Nutes. Which Nutrients are better?

    I use tap water as well but i let it set over night before i use it to let the clorene disapate then mix neuts one at a time sturing befor adding the next one All the way down the line by the time you have mixed all the neutrents your PH should be 6.0 at least it workes for me every time and i...