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  1. G

    Crush Or Fold

    "I once met a man with no toilet paper and I was sad, until I met a man with no toilet." Deep Jack Handy.
  2. G

    Life Is....

    I've been merely existing for quite a while but, I plan to change that and am already. On a new diet now called the warrior diet. Its pretty awesome. Its makes you want to accomplish something.
  3. G

    Crush Or Fold

    Absolutely tp. When I visit my throne I crush everytime!
  4. G

    Chillin on a dirt road, Laid back swirvin' like I'm George Jones. Smoke rollin' out the window...

    Chillin on a dirt road, Laid back swirvin' like I'm George Jones. Smoke rollin' out the window, an ice cold beer sittin' in the console.
  5. G

    Crush Or Fold

    There are only two types of people in the world. Those who crush and those who fold. Which are you?
  6. G

    Life Is....

    "If you aren't actively living, you're passively dying" How are you living?
  7. G

    What To Do?

    This sucks Jimmy! I think the best idea for me is to pick out the seeds after letting them dry a bit. There must be 500 seeds on these 2 two foot plants....ugh.
  8. G

    What To Do?

    O.K. jimmyjones. I was going to buy bags anyway because I wanted to try and make some hash with trim. Have you ever made made bubble hash with a hermi? I've grown out several crops but, never made any type of oil, hash, edible etc. so not quite sure how the process exactly works. As far as the...
  9. G

    What To Do?

    Man I looked them over pretty well and seems like alot of seeds. At first glance it looke like alot of hair but, when you start pushing your finger into the bud a bit it looks like a tone of seeds. Should I go buy bubble bags for them? Never made hash before. Thanks
  10. G

    What To Do?

    Hell everyone. I have a question I need help with. I have 2 plants that turned hermi on me. They are 43 days into flower. I am going to pull them in a couple days so thats not the question. My question is what to do with them? I have never had a hermi so I don't know how to best use them. Thanks
  11. G

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Thats awesome. So nobody really sees your business on the outside. Cool.
  12. G

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    I'm sorry if I sound stupid but is there no direct sun light hitting the plants here?
  13. G

    Growing in South Florida

    Hey I'd like to see pics of that. Not sure why but maybe its some sort of autoflower WW maybe.