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  1. B

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    i was thinking of haveing about 8 cfl's, in order to get all 4 sides on the top and bottom, when it becomes bigger
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    about how big of a fan do you think i will need for 1 or 2 plants to grow properly also i was wondering if you knew anything about useing a HID kit to grow with
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    hey i wanted to try and start a single plant to two plants grow, i was wondering what was the best way to do it, how many lights do you thinkg i would need or how strong of a light would i need, and how big did you think it would be i would be growing it in soil in my closet or something like...
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    Spider Mite Help! Total Infestation!

    i believe she means to test the PH level of the water
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    46 days 12/12 and no visable bud to speek of

    hey if it dosn't turn out to good you can just make hash out of it!
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    First Grow. 12 Ounces dried. Lots of Pics

    wow you are super desperate or something i think you might need a life, yo Lakers you should try just making straight hash with your next harvest, hash is always fun to mess around with :D major rep, i one day hope to start my own harvest, done all the research just not the right time yet.......
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    My Girl Doesn't Want Me Smoke Weed No More

    damn man i feel for your problem, but some times you just can not get through peoples heads this is my best advice to you if she will not budge on her views, then stop smoking and be with your true love, if it dosn't work out then you know you can always fall back on your greens in the end it...