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  1. G

    3 600 w hps, or 9 250w hps?

    Penetration isn't too important to me since I'm going to be flowering in 8x8" pots, probably about 200 plants. Do you still think it will be better? I know I'm going to have to vent either way, but which creates more heat the 4 600w or the 9 250w?
  2. G

    the attic grow room debate

    I'm not sure that this is accurate. There was a case in New Jersey a few years ago that ended up going to the Supreme Court. I can't find the link to the story but here is basically what happened. A police chopper on a random fly-by spotted a heat signature coming from the man's house. They...
  3. G

    Tutorials For Making Smoking Tools

    The apple always sort of sucks, especially when it is a juicy one. Hard to get the bud to light properly, but one of the safer 'home-made' methods.
  4. G

    How much venting needed for 3 600 W hps lights?

    I'm actually growing in organic soil. I've always done it like this and haven't had the chance to try a hydro setup. After I get a few successful cycles I'm definitely trying it. Venting isn't a problem, and I want to use hps, they are the most effective lights I've seen, and I already have a...
  5. G

    3 600 w hps, or 9 250w hps?

    So I'm wondering what to do with my new flowering room. It's a 10x12 space with a 14' ceiling. My friend who has been growing for longer than me, said that recently he has been having more success using multiple 250w hps lights rather then fewer higher wattage lights. This makes a bit of...
  6. G

    How much venting needed for 3 600 W hps lights?

    What if I use 250w hps lights for flowering? I was thinking that I could get better coverage this way, and don't have to buy as many lights since I already own 3 switchable 250's. Would it be crazy to use 9 250w to flower in the room? It ends up using less power then the 4 600's. Will the...
  7. G

    How much venting needed for 3 600 W hps lights?

    won't that be pretty noisy through 6" diamater? would a twelve inch vent hose be better?
  8. G

    New grow!! How much wattage is too much?

    First off, where do you live? I'm in southern California. Secondly, how will this prevent anything from happening?
  9. G

    High efficiency lights...

    thanks! this makes sense. a 1000w bulb will always use 1000w from the wall, but it could output twice the lumens thereby making it twice as efficient. Let me know if you find out something!
  10. G

    How much venting needed for 3 600 W hps lights?

    right now i have 50 seedlings in my veg closet, and just started another 80.
  11. G

    New grow!! How much wattage is too much?

    So I'm trying something different this time... In the past at my old grow, I used a 1000W hps and two 250 w bulbs for flowering about 35 clones that were vegged for 3 weeks to the height of 18" to 28" in a 10 x 10 space. This time I have 100 seedlings from feminized seeds in 4" x 4" pots in a...
  12. G

    HydroHut Mini Ventillation

    how many watts is your hps?
  13. G

    How much venting needed for 3 600 W hps lights?

    So I'm about to set up a flowering room with 3 600 W hps lights and need to know how much venting I need to keep it cool and the air flowing. What size duct is appropriate? The room is approximately 12 x 10, (I haven't measured yet). I will be venting into the bathroom after first passing...
  14. G

    High efficiency lights...

    Some buddies of mine said that they've seen hps lights that are 'high-efficiency' to the point that they output lumens like a normal 1000w bulb but only use 500w from the wall. Can anyone attest to this? Are there other sizes like this?