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  1. T

    northeast first grow

    according to the frost chart the last frost in the closest area to me is 5/12..... fuck that im planting my sexy bitches in a minimum of 2 weeks
  2. T

    northeast first grow

    GERMINATE!! and even start them in your backyard in the litttttttle bio degradable pots u can get mad cheap at home depot then plant them
  3. T

    what to do with Gangster Deer?

    i heard that hair clippings dont work, i also heard soap doesnt work, idk maybe a lot of people just give advice without experience because i see that stuff everywhere with a simple search. :bigjoint:
  4. T

    Connecticut growing|when to plant this year???

    im putting mine in the ground april 14th, day of the new moon, should be a perfect day
  5. T

    northeast first grow

    i plan on putting mine in the ground on April 14th the day of the new moon! im in CT