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  1. D

    How often could I smoke and keep a low tolerance?

    I'm a new smoker and in order to save money I would like to keep my tolerance as low as I can. I was thinking of smoking about 3 small bowls of dank a week (1 a day for 3 days total). Anyone have an idea how fast/slow this would raise my tolerance or how often I could smoke while keeping a...
  2. D

    Legalizing ALL Drugs

    I think legalizing the drugs would reduce the crime (not including possession). Gangs wouldn't be fighting over territory anymore because their customers could get the drugs for a lower price from reliable stores. A dangerous drug being illegal could even be a reason for someone to start...
  3. D

    Legalizing ALL Drugs

    I don't see how any drugs, no matter how harmful, can be illegal. The only people they harm are the people who choose to use it on themselves. If the more harmful drugs like crack were legal, people could be properly warned of the actual side effects and be offered rehab without the user being...
  4. D

    Looking for advice on my first cheap setup

    I'm planning on growing in my attic and I've come up with a rough list of what I'm probably going to use, but before I buy anything I want to get some feedback because I'm not sure on some things. I'm hoping to do 5 or 6 Diesel Ryders in the hydroponic Emily's Garden -...