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  1. D

    HOLY F*$K 120x salvia

    Hell yeah dude I know what you mean. I tripped out the hardest from bongs dude.bongsmilie
  2. D

    HOLY F*$K 120x salvia

    I felt the exact same! Did everything around you appear in spirals? And it's like when you would hit one thing you would become a part of it. but you would have to tear away. It just really trips me out cause i never thought I could perceive reality with eyes open and it be that way. It's...
  3. D

    HOLY F*$K 120x salvia

    Dude I've only done 20x and then 80x before this but i took one hit out of my mini bong and i had an out of body experience. It was fucking insane man. And apparently i was falling everywhere and i got kinda cut up from the ground. I probably will do it again. Just not anytime soon haha. You...