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  1. I

    Rockwool question

    Oh, I was kind of under the impression it had to be watered at least a couple times per day. So its completely possible to manually water the plants all the way through.
  2. I

    Rockwool question

    Hey I'm starting my first soiless grow and had a few questions that I couldnt really find on here. Is it possible to grow soiless without an automatic irrigation system? If i did try that, what would be the easiest medium to use? (I was thinking rockwool) If I did do all this, how often...
  3. I

    Manually water Rockwool ?

    How often are you supposed to water them then? I'm wondering myself now, cause i read before that it could easily be 5 or 6 times a day.. Every 3 hours during the 18/6. Just wondering for clarification
  4. I

    Manually water Rockwool ?

    Yeah it is, but it would be a major pain... I think 3 times a day is how ofter you would have to water it.. they can die VERY fast if you forget
  5. I

    how uch does a...

    A nickel is $5 worth of weed.. if they are buying a nickel for 5 bucks, then technically they are just buying a small dime.
  6. I

    Flowering Light/Dark split

    For flowering 12/12 is definitely better.. 18/6 is used to veg and then 12/12 is what kicks them into flowering mode. I dont think the times have to be EXACTLY that, but you should try to keep it as consistent as possible