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  1. AdmiralR

    help! my plant is about to just die if it isn't too late already!

    so you're saying i should take the plant out, mix the soil with perlite, and put it back in o.0 and it isn't legal in florida unfortunately. I'm not really doing this for the bud, just for the joy of growing maryjane, but right now it is pretty stressful lol
  2. AdmiralR

    help! my plant is about to just die if it isn't too late already!

    It has holes, but it isn't draining..., and I don't have a license. ;)
  3. AdmiralR

    help! my plant is about to just die if it isn't too late already!

    well my plant has been growing outside perfectly fine for a couple months. It's gotten nice and big, and it was very green and healthy (I hope) lol. At first I had problems with grasshoppers but some insecticide took care of that. Then maybe last tuesday or monday the plant started looking...
  4. AdmiralR

    GBL Online Source?

    I only recently discovered the existence of actually. Then after a quick google, I found this thread and read the entire thing, along with wikipedia and other sites. As a curiosity, researchers have found something that almost completely nullifies the effects of an overdose of GHB...
  5. AdmiralR

    I have the strangest problem, and I challenge you all to diagnose it

    Well my light is about 3 feet away now, but it was a lot closer before. Like I said, when I first moved the light away, the plant immediately grew upwards and sprouted leaves, but they ended up browning, clawing, and dying. I don't know how this thing is still alive at all. I water about...
  6. AdmiralR

    I have the strangest problem, and I challenge you all to diagnose it

    Well, how do I fix that? Do I flush it wish PHd water? Or do I wait for the soil to dry out and then give it PHd water?
  7. AdmiralR

    I have the strangest problem, and I challenge you all to diagnose it

    Well, this thing hasn't been a "seedling" for months, and while Bio Bizz may be a good soil, I don't think Ocean Forest is killing my plant, do you? I have this one plant getting plenty of light, so 400W should be good for so few plants. I grew a much better plant using CFLs, so I figure this is...
  8. AdmiralR

    I have the strangest problem, and I challenge you all to diagnose it

    It's in ocean forest soil, and from day one, any leaves that would come out would turn brown, claw, and die. At first I thought the soil was burning the seedling, but it isn't a seedling anymore, and it continues to do this same thing. I was of the opinion that giving it anymore nutes would...
  9. AdmiralR

    I have the strangest problem, and I challenge you all to diagnose it

    I have no experience growing, and I've made n00b mistakes, as is expected. Let me first give you all the details on my grow tent. 400W HPS Low 80s is average temp (I know this is too high, but Florida is insanely hot and I have issues with funneling in cold air) 40% humidity right now. I...
  10. AdmiralR

    help me buy a grow tent!

    I just want to suggest trying Craigslist. I got a tent worth 300 for 100 on there.
  11. AdmiralR

    Leaf edges turning strong yellow, almost white and new growth is yellowing

    This happened about overnight. The edges of the upper leaves only turned practically white. I have had problems before of there being white spots on my leaves, but I figured that it was due to me making the mistake of misting the plants with the lights on. I stopped doing that, and then the...
  12. AdmiralR

    Brown spots appearing on plant. Please help!

    I've included some pictures of all the spots I can currently see. They first are just white spots, and then they just look like spots of dead leaf. I'm not sure what is happening. They get a massive amount of ventilation, too much really. If the blower next to them went a couple degrees...
  13. AdmiralR

    Leaf has white blotches and another leaf is extremely rough with a brittle substance

    Bump....This is my first grow... what is the white blotch?
  14. AdmiralR

    Leaf has white blotches and another leaf is extremely rough with a brittle substance

    I included pictures of my set up, and the actual problem. In the second picture of the individual leaf, you can see the white blotches. I first saw them this morning, and I'm very concerned. The first picture of the individual leaf probably doesn't show it at all, but in person, the leaf has...
  15. AdmiralR

    Over a week old seedling, was doing well, now has droopy leaf, is getting veiny

    lol Yeah, I have cables everywhere. I just use them all connected together to keep them in the air. I keep the fan on all day and night. it helps lower the temperatures a bit. The surge protector thing is a really good idea, thanks. The only thing is that I'll probably end up with like 12...
  16. AdmiralR

    How's this seedling looking? A little over a week old. Purple edges...

    So high nutes cause drooping leaves, extremely veiny leafs, and purplish edges? I thought that you could tell when a plant had too many nutes when it was yellowing or getting brown edges and looking burnt?
  17. AdmiralR

    How's this seedling looking? A little over a week old. Purple edges...

    Miracle Grow Potting Soil, yes I know a lot of people don't like it, but the seedling was doing very well and growing very quickly up until yesterday and today. I did add some nutes, but it was only half the suggested amount.
  18. AdmiralR

    Over a week old seedling, was doing well, now has droopy leaf, is getting veiny

    I had a thread in the Newbie section, but I figure since this is all about the problem that I'm having with the seedling, I should post a thread here. I'm using two 42 watt CFLs. One is 2700k and the other is 6500k. I have a large fan blowing the heat away and hitting the plant. They're under...
  19. AdmiralR

    How's this seedling looking? A little over a week old. Purple edges...

    I'm getting really freaked out about this plant. if you notice, one of the leaves is not just twisting funny and drooping to the ground. Also, the leaves are getting very veiny. Part of the leaves are just a standard dull green, but then other parts are vibrantly green with glowing veins while...