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  1. G

    New 4x4 Area - Need help on a choice.

    I am looking to set up a new grow tent. I had been planning to do a 1000w HPS light in a 5x5 area. I then read a bunch that a 1000w will perform better in a 4x4 due to loosing a lot of light on the edges of a 5x5. Then I was setting up a shopping cart on (side question, anyone...
  2. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    It was pretty good, not a huge fan of stone weed's though. Will be growing haze when I buy seeds. I ended with all plants that were flowering w/ about 4oz, so about 1oz per 100w. I ended up getting a fungus/mold something and had to kill 1 because it got to bad and was to late to spray. Now...
  3. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    I have only smoked the first plant so far. It was as the name in tales, trainwreck. I was knocked out. I have dryed and weighed 2 more plants each w/ 17g. I am going to let the last trainwreck and the others go a few more days. I also moved a another couple plants from veg to flower. Those...
  4. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    No one seems to interested in this thread so I haven't updated, but anyway. The first trainwreck came down about a week ago (got done quick) and after dried yielded 1/2oz. I now have another trainwreck drying, it has another day or two (the buds are bigger on this one so my guess is 3/4oz. I...
  5. G

    Medical MJ saved my dog!

    Yeah I know, as soon as my closet opens they are over there trying to get in while I water. My bengal (wild hybrid) paces in front of it like it is prey she is stalking.
  6. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    Just another update. It's been 4 weeks flowering and they are looking beautiful. The one in flowering that I moved up late is now starting to bud too. So I have 7 at 4 weeks, and 1 at 2 weeks. The veg room is like a little jungle. I have topped all the veg plants and am also stating to have...
  7. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    It's been a few weeks since I posted so I figured I'd post an update. They started budding about a week ago and now have nice little cones on the tops. Both flower and veg area are full so I now know my plant limit is less then what I have going now. Well here are some pics of the ladies. I...
  8. G

    Medical MJ saved my dog!

    Yeah my stoner cat keeps trying to eat my plants. I left the closet door open for a few hours the other day and I always keep an eye on them to make sure they don't go in the closet. Then like 15min later I see that little bitch jump out of the closet. A few leaf tips were chewed off so I...
  9. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    So I got back from MI (ps. Everybody needs to check out the head shop 42 degrees in Ann Arbor, amazing) and looked at my plants. The ones flowering were a little sad from not being watered in a few days but the veg ones got much bigger. They have now been growing over a month and the first...
  10. G

    Medical MJ saved my dog!

    I am not sure how people on here feel about getting pets high. I for one feel that if they want it I will give it to them. If my cat jumps on my lap while I'm smoking and looks up at me I assume she wants some and will give her some. But more to the point. We (my family) helps to rescue...
  11. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    Leaving for Hash Bash and Cheech and Chong soon and will be gone til Monday. Thought I'd post a couple updated pics now. They started showing sex and I removed 3 males and have at least 5 females, the others I can not tell yet.
  12. G


    Not from MI, from OH but I will be at hash bash and cheech and chong. Sadly I am not a resident so am not legal up there though.
  13. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    So "most" of my plants are now approaching turning 4 today. I ended up having to move a few more plants up into the flower room as the one's in the veg room I will now let grow to their full potential before moving to 12/12. The ones in flowering are 2 or 4 days old depending on the plant...
  14. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    Over 200 views and no one has any comments, suggestions, anything?
  15. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    Since to many of the seeds I planted survived I have run out of space in the veg room for the pots. I decided to move some of my best plants up to flower. They weren't tall but I figured if you can grow in a 2ft PC case then 6in would be tall enough. So I now have 9 plants in flowering and as...
  16. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    On the 3rd week. I kept them in the cups to long and there were a lot of roots. I ran out of soil to do the transfers as I never expected this many of the seeds to even germinate let alone make it this far. But here are the pics. I have a question for anyone who can answer me. I would like...
  17. G

    First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)

    I have wanted to grow for a long time, and have attempted in shitty places in the past with problems eventually killing the plants. I finally was able to invest the money needed to put together a nice full 2 sectioned (Veg, Flower) grow closet. The whole thing without nutrients was about $800...