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  1. GreenGame

    2000w Purple Kush/Mystery Beans-RND3

    Nice pics of the PK. I just harvested PK about a month ago and I am extremely happy with it. I think it's getting half of my grow space for the foreseeable future. It is a crowd favorite for sure.
  2. GreenGame


    adderall is speed. Plain and simple. It is slightly different structurally from Methamphetamine. I think adderall is a dextromethamphetamine.. either way it effects you just lke speed, and is converted into meth in your body. The same shit people smoke out of glass pipes.
  3. GreenGame

    plant wilting for unkown reason.......

    I do not believe the " root bound " condition really exists. A plant will get as big as it's container allows. I have grown hundreds of plants in everything from 16 oz. starter cups to 5 gal pots and have never sen a case of " root bound ". It is a grower's myth imo.
  4. GreenGame

    How hard to get medical card

    Yes, yes they do get paid if you are denied. When you go in for your appointment read the fine print you are signing. They get their money either way.
  5. GreenGame

    how much can i yield off of one plant ( 600 watt hps )

    Yes. 8-10 weeks veg with a couple of toppings during this time should fill most of the useable space under 1 600w. As long as you take care of here properly throughout the grow you should get a good yield. But there are so many factors to consider. If you want to be ultra conservative, figure 4...
  6. GreenGame

    how to neem oil flush soil for fugus gnats

    As far as I know, it will not harm the plants' oxygen uptake in the rootzone.
  7. GreenGame

    Market Research: Opinions needed on what hydro stores can do better to help you.

    What makes the perfect hydro store? In my opinion, it's the knowledgeable staff that can not just sell stuff, but help you design your room and explain how to install / build / set up the items they are selling you. Another thing I really like at my favorite hydro store here in Orange County...
  8. GreenGame

    how to neem oil flush soil for fugus gnats

    You can put your sand on sheets and bake it in the oven at 350-450 f for a short time to sterilize it.
  9. GreenGame

    how much can i yield off of one plant ( 600 watt hps )

    Realistically, if you veg the skywalker another month ( 8 weeks veg total? ) , and topped it once or twice during this time, you could probably get 5 - 8 oz. This is a conservative number that a medium-level experienced grower can achieve.
  10. GreenGame

    what wld you do about seeded buds?

    Finish it. Pick the seeds out.Smoke it.
  11. GreenGame

    does a bald duck sink?

    Ducks have hollow bones which helps them float, but if they had no waterproof feathers they would probably not be able to stabilize themselves, and would probably drown. Also the feathers insulate them from the cold, so if the water was too cold they would get sick or die from hypothermia.
  12. GreenGame

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    It is not uncommon to find a seed or three here or there if you are constantly buying good pot. This happens either through genetics or stress to the plants during early flower. A few male flowers can appear on a female plant, from clone or seed.
  13. GreenGame

    The You Know Your A Grower Thread

    Taking a vacation or doing anything that involves you being away from your home for more than 24 hours either scares you or is a big pain in the ass...except for that specific 2 or 3 weeks of downtime you get every year.
  14. GreenGame

    Look at this picture. I have spider mites I think AND maybe another problem

    Looks like thrips (left greener leaf ) and a deficiency on the right.
  15. GreenGame

    Is it ok to remove leaves?

    Opinions vary on this one, personally I do not prune any healthy leaves off of my plants.Later on in flower I give the yellow and dying leaves a light tug and if they come off I throw them away. You can tuck some of the big fan leaves out of the way of some of the side kolas.
  16. GreenGame

    Double down aka chicken bread sandwich

    it comes ina holder baggy thing like french fries I think - no messy hands!
  17. GreenGame

    What would you do if someone broke into your house and stole your harvest?

    I would also like to say one more thing people need to consider when deciding to use deadly force. I am a gun owner, and I would use deadly force to protect myself and others in my home from immediate deadly threats- but when it comes to this issue: 1.) The penalty for attempted burglary is...
  18. GreenGame

    Double down aka chicken bread sandwich

    I haven't had one yet ( I hardly ever eat at KFC ). They look delicious. Now of course they aren't healthy by any means but I will definitely have to try one at some point. Not something you eat every day, maybe once or twice a month.
  19. GreenGame

    What would you do if someone broke into your house and stole your harvest?

    I would call my local police and report the theft, and the suspect's ID if I knew who it was. Then I would hope the justice system works. I would also examine my weaknesses in security and plug the leaks that allowed the break- in to happen. If justice is not served in the courts, there are a...
  20. GreenGame

    co-op vs "street" quality

    Ok. I'll take a trip out there and you here. We can smoke a jammer somewhere in the middle :bigjoint: