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  1. M

    Hanging plants in the basement. Darkness question.....

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. It's appreciated. Please feel free to comment good/bad/indifferent. Justing looking for the best solutuon. About two weeks from harvest and will be hanging plants in my basement, which stays at 75% and about 45-55% humitidy. Will I need total darkness for...
  2. M

    Can I use passive intake for large grow room?

    Sounds good, I need to do some figures over.....
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    Can I use passive intake for large grow room?

    A few specs: 20x20x9 groom room built inside a room. No windows,doors,etc. 4-1000 watt air-cooled lights,carbon filter(size?? any idea?). Question: We need to cut a hole in the buildings roof to vent some air into the room. Do we need to put a intake fan in this, or will passive intake do with...
  4. M

    I'm going nuts trying to figure this out!!! HELP!!!

    I have the chance to get a large grow room set-up and though I'm doing this in my basement this situation is a little different. Need some good solid advise before jumping in here. Question: The room is 20'x20'x9' with 4 1000 watt air-cooled lights (so far, maybe more in the future). The grow...
  5. M

    20'x20'x9' Grow Room Construction Exhaust question??

    Hey axl thanks for the advise, though i would lkie to ask a couple of more questions if you wouldn't mind taking a few minutes. Thanks
  6. M

    20'x20'x9' Grow Room Construction Exhaust question??

    Hello Everyone, Would really appreciate some advise here about the exhaust/intake for this size room. We are only running 4 1000 watt air-cooled hoods. Only starting out with 30 plants. I'm guessing the cfm's for size has to be around 2800 cfms not including carbon filter. If you have to...
  7. M

    How many times should my exhuast fan come?

    It's a 2x4x7 tent with passive intake and 4" can fan exhuast. I have the fan wired an plugged into a Hydro timer. Seems this timer only goes in 15 minute incurments. I have it on the the timer to go on for 15 minutes and then off for 35 and then back on. Question: Am I ok with the exhaust on...
  8. M

    My exhaust is sucking all the moisture out...Suggestions??

    Temps have been steady between 72 & 79. Humitiy level though was 28% with exhaust on. Added a few wet towels and some water, level rose a little but not enough. Shut exhaust off for a few minutes and the humitiy level went up to 50 % (perfect for new grow). It's only a 4" (59 cubic ft.)...
  9. M

    Nd. advise. How to wire booster fan

    I wired a pwer cord to a 4" inline duct fan and when l pluged it in..nothing. I think that the power cord I bought is to much for it or the fan's no good. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. Fan: 4" 120vac 60Hz 0.25 amps Pwr. Cord 9' 14guage 15amp 125V
  10. M

    Question; Is a 4" booster fan enough for fresh air..Help..

    My 2x4x7 tent(56 cubic feet)has 400 watt air-cooled light with glass insert and is ducted on both ends for heat to escape. I have passive intake and the tent is in the basement, so no heat issues yet. Need to add another form of exhaust. Will a 4" inline booster fan rated at least 75-100 cfm's...
  11. M

    1st timer here: Do I need constant air exhaust all the time?

    I have one end of my air-cooled light w/ glass shield open to draw air. My temps have been staying around 79-81 without having my exhust fan turn on for about 4 hours. Have a couple of small fans moving air. Do I need to have another source of exhaust for fresh air? Thinking of putting a...
  12. M

    Question about light/tent exhaust (1st grow)

    2x4x7 tent,400 watt air-cooled light w/glass (only one side is ducted and other left open to draw fresh air in)., 6" centrifugal fan w/ 500 cfm's w/speed controller at lowest setting ( I know..overkill for this size),two small fans inside, no carbon filter yet, passive intake. Have no plants in...
  13. M

    can I be exhausting to much air?/Help please......

    General set-up:2x4x7 tent,400 watt air-cooled light w/glass,6" centrifugal fan 500 cfm's w/speed controller set at lowest seting, no carbon filter yet, small fans in tent to move air around. My light is only ducted at one end with the other end drawing fresh air in from passive intake. Had...
  14. M

    PLZZ..need help,advise, on temps. !!!!!

    Have a plea here for some advise from seasoned growers: 2x4x7 tent,400 watt glass air-cooled light,6"fan(500 cfms/w speed controller at lowest setting,no carbon filter yet, couple of small fans. Have one side of hood ducted and other open to suck in fresh air from passive intakes. With fan on...
  15. M

    Temps. way to low in tent..Any suggestions!!!

    Heres the set-up: 2x4x7 tent,400 watt air-cooled light,6" centrifgual fan(500 cfm's w/ speed control set at lowest setting, no carbon filter set-up at this time.. I have passive intake w/ only one side of the light ducted to the fan. The other side of the hood is open to suck in fresh air and...
  16. M

    HELP..tent temps. way below normal

    2x4x7 tent,400 watt air-cooled light, no carbon filter yet, 6" fan(500 cfm mounted outside of tent. After running for a few hours tent temps. DO NOT rise over 63. I have only one side of the hood vented out so as to draw fresh air in from the passive intake. I do have a speed control on fan set...
  17. M

    Confused if I need additional exhaust..HELP!!

    Try and make this short: 2x4x7 tent, 400 watt aircooled light, 6" exhaust fan, no carbon filter yet. Have been try a couple of test runs before starting a few plants. Been using passive intake, couple of small fans in tent, light is ducted and vented outside (BUT one side of the light is open so...
  18. M

    Plzzzz..need advise on a grow room

    Thanks for the info. It's just in the starting stage and will probably have pretty much have things on auto-pilot. We have the place and it's fully legal for what we are going to do. Nothing to fancy. I thought maybe we could get 50-60 plants with 6-8 1000watt air cooled lights,co2,carbon...
  19. M

    Plzzzz..need advise on a grow room

    Trying to figure out what it will take mat'l and money wise to start up a grow in my warehouse. Have a place that has some extra space 30 ft wide x 19 ft. long and 15 ft. high. This will be my first grow and do have some finicial backing. I know we want to use soil. Anybody like to take a...
  20. M

    Please help with carbon filter set-up

    Thanks, that makes sense. But will I still have to have a seperate exhaust for when the light and fan are not on? Or do you guys set up your light and fan on seperate timers. I have been told that you should only have to run the exhaust fan, that is hooked up to the lights, every 15 minutes or...