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  1. G

    White Widow Update!

    we stopped nutes Friday, so i would say we are about 2 weeks away!!
  2. G

    White Widow Update!

    Ill defiantly keep you guys posted. um, you said you had your plants topped, im not entirely sure how you do that, and was wondering if you could give me the quick run down.
  3. G

    White Widow Update!

    I would say all and all we didnt have too many MAJOR problems but some things that we did run into -over watering (lost 2 children that way) -nitrogen deficiency (which is solved with just a little nuts) -the pots that they were in ("root bounding") we started them off in small pot and...
  4. G

    White Widow Update!

    haha I forgot to take them out for the pictures but they were there to hold the drip system in place. (the roots are too dense to stab anything in the soil)
  5. G

    White Widow Update!

    I have questions for everyone. Don't people usually trim off the leaf tips when its getting close to time to harvest? and could anyone give me a "ball park" figure to how long the plants have left?
  6. G

    White Widow Update!

    I believe i got the seeds from Buy Marijuana Seeds and cannabis seeds from Holland - high quality marijuana seeds (cannabis seeds). Its a first time grow. And there are 400 watts of metal halide and 430 watts of high pressure sodium light over them.
  7. G

    White Widow Update!

    Alrighty im back from break and this is what i found. The plants have been on a drip system while i was away, so i couldn't take as good of care as i would have liked too, but im glad they're alive. Tell me what you think, and how much longer do would you guys say they need...
  8. G

    White Widow just started Budding

    We got the seeds from Buy Marijuana Seeds and cannabis seeds from Holland - high quality marijuana seeds (cannabis seeds) it made it to us fine,and they hid contents really well. we got it in about a week, but i think it said it could take up to 3. :weed:
  9. G

    White Widow just started Budding

    Whats up everyone We just changed our lighting schedual to 12/12 and they have been this way for about two weeks, this is what we have got so far, tell us what you think. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:EVERYONE LOVES TO BLAZE:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  10. G

    Little Help w/ Some Plant Problems (Pics)

    ive had the same problem, check my posts, and i have come to find out it is over watering. instead of watering on a reg basis, water them when they get a little droppy, and only "sip" them. try not to drown the medium
  11. G

    My 8 little White Widow Children (pics)

    some more pictures, tell me what you think :leaf::leaf::leaf:
  12. G

    My 8 little White Widow Children (pics)

    My plants are doing well with the exception of a few things. Take a look and tell me what you think. I think that a coupple of my babbies are struggling with Nitrogen Deficiency and im not sure how to fix this, any advise would be greatly appreciated. heres a few, more to come...
  13. G

    My 8 little White Widow Children (pics)

    My plants are doing well with the exception of a few things. Take a look and tell me what you think. I think that a coupple of my babbies are struggling with Nitrogen Deficiency and im not sure how to fix this, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
  14. G

    Update! thanks for the help everyone, i think they are getting better thanks for looking :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:EVERBODY LOVES TO BLAZE:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  15. G

    Problems with my plants, lightely colored

    alright, so we have changed pots and flushed em out with water. and now we water less. I have to change the location of the plants for a coupple of weeks. we will be putting the plants under a 430w HPS lamp, and there currently under a 400w Metal Halide. I was wondering if this will have any...
  16. G

    Small Scale Project ! (indoor)

    lol is it? if it is props, cuz thats.... that is IT
  17. G

    Small Scale Project ! (indoor)

    hydro is like breast implants... looks good, but when its in your hands.. you feel cheated. pro soil.
  18. G

    Problems with my plants, lightely colored

    hey thanks guys, i have repoted and purchased a PH meter for the soil and water. i did not water them when i transplanted in hopes that the water will disapate. i think things are lookin on the up and up, ill will post pictures soon, with hopefully better results!!!! Thanks again!
  19. G

    Problems with my plants, lightely colored

    ya i just bought a meter and hp isnt our problem im definatly ruling that out because the meter read between 6-6.8 for all 10 plants, healthy and not. so.... seens how we flushed it, i think that it is just over watering? because they are extremly droopy now, so im just going to let them dry...
  20. G

    Problems with my plants, lightely colored

    alright thanks, man. we did the alka-selser and flushed them out a lot, the plants are looking pretty droopy but i asume thats is just because the soil is saturated? i going to go buy an PH meter today, i should have one for the soil and the water? ...or are they one in the same?