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    Two Questions Needing Answered if possible guys

    U dont have to tell me its a bad idea growing without permission thats why im jsut fishing for information seeing if there is a way that i could get away with a lowryder or whatever. So i could only replace the lighting by removing the whole hood? if so i see what u mean its pretty pointless
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    Two Questions Needing Answered if possible guys

    Hi guys i was just wondering one if the aerogardens can be heard in anyway? and if so are they loud? I would also like to know if you can take the lights out the hood on it and bang a big cfl in? thanks guys
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    Are Yeilds AsBad as people Make Out guys?

    Would it still be terrible if i replaced the standard light with say a dual spectrum 250w cfl?
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    Are Yeilds AsBad as people Make Out guys?

    Hi guys basicaly exactly what the title is, are the yields rediculous off of aerogardens? also if the yields are bad would it help adding another good cfl in the mix? thanks guys please reply
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    This might be a silly one.

    Hi guys new to these forums. I have been considering an aero garden for a while now but i dont have a clue about them. can they grow full size plants? if so do they do from veg to flower or do they need to be transfered to somewhere elses? iv heard people slating them saying u get nothing opff...
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    Cheap Easy CFL Setup?

    Hi guys new to these forums. I was just wondering if someone could reccomend a cheap CFL grow tent including CF and Fans for less than £180? I cant seem to do it hahah and it seems like a lot of cash to me. Thank You