yea that was my second guess and mine has grown about 3-4 inches this month since its been outside. but i just checked on it today and it seems to be doing much better. i think its female!! does anybody know like something cheap i could pick up from walmart that can improve its growing??
the weather has been constatly variating rain and shine. one week of rain and one week of sun. u know. nah i just used plain soil. and u could be right with the shade thing i may need to cut a couple branches. i planted it about 20 feet away from the treeline. so it gets about 7 hours of light a...
i just planted her in the ground about a month ago and it hasnt seemed to really start growing. that top 7 leaf group is the only thing that has come in since i planted it. any tips to get her goin? and how does she look to u guys? this is my first grow btw.
this is my first time growing and i have had this plant for about a week and a half and its goin great! its about 5-6 inches tall. i have the light on 24/7 and water it twice a day. i want to plant it outside so i can harvest a good amount i was wonderin when i should plant it outside seeing how...