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  1. L

    Past maturity and still no amber trichomes. help!

    sorry heres pics and more info, i do believe that somehow the growth is somewhat stunted. also the yellow leaves in the photo just started turning last week i dont know why but i just assumed it was old age. Light: 8 clfs (23-26w) 1 6500k 2 5000k 5 2700k 20/4 cycle Soil: MG potting...
  2. L

    Past maturity and still no amber trichomes. help!

    easy ryder auto thats been growing now for 80 days and still no amber trichomes visible mostly just clear. The expected maturity is 70-75 days. Is this unusual? What could be the problem?
  3. L

    Help! Diagnose please! PICS

    day 65 of super critical haze grow. dont know exactly whats going on. leaves are turning black. Also it seems as if i still have a nitrogen def. due to the leaves at the bottom.(or is it?) should I throw in some of the MG all purpose(24-8-16) with the bloom to fix the problem? Light: 8 clfs...
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    Harvest time?? need help! PICS

    yea i know i mean for future reference i plan to start another grow shortly and couldn't find good pruning/topping instructions
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    Harvest time?? need help! PICS

    sorry guys! yes i am aware that i made a mixup, i meant the color of the pistils.(obviously you cant see the trichomes from these pics lol) im glad everything is ok though, wasnt too sure if i did something wrong but here are some specs: Light: 10 clfs (23-26w) 3 6500k 2 5000k 5 2700k 20/4...
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    Harvest time?? need help! PICS

    easy ryder has only been growing for 8 weeks but it seems as if its extremely close to harvest due to the amount of amber trechs but i know its grow time is usually 9-10 weeks. what do you think? any help would be appreciate thanks PICS
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    Easy Ryder problems Please Help! PICS

    thanks. is there any reason as to why the easy ryder seems to be growing so slow? ive read forums and have seen others pics and theres are usually larger by now..
  8. L

    Easy Ryder problems Please Help! PICS

    currently having some grow problems with my east ryder(right) that I got from attitude.Im on day 27. Growth seems to be stunted(compared to others pics at same age, sometimes younger) and theres a little yellow as you may see on the leaves. I have a super critical haze plant(left) growing in the...
  9. L

    150w lowryder#2/ LR2 x AK47 grow

    what nutrient ratio (N-P-K) should i use for both growth stages of an AK47xLR#2?? any nutrient help/tips would be greatly appreciated thanks!
  10. L

    Easy Ryder (Auto AK47x Lowryder #2) NUTRIENT HELP!

    I am growing easy ryder for the first time and i need some tips on some things i should know... in particular i want to know the nutrient ratio (N-P-K) i should give in each growth stage. thanks!
  11. L

    Easy Ryder (Auto AK47x Lowryder #2) GROW TIPS PLEASE!

    I am growing easy ryder for the first time and i need some tips on some things i should know... in particular i want to know the nutrient ratio (N-P-K) i should give in each growth stage. thanks!:bigjoint::bigjoint:
  12. L

    Help! plant problems i have pics!

    i did keep it moist but for about 2 weeks now ive been letting it dry out
  13. L

    Help! plant problems i have pics!

    i dont give it nutes too often because i was afraid that giving it too much too early was the problem..but i could be holding out too. do you guys think it could be anything else?
  14. L

    Help! plant problems i have pics!

    finally got the pics up. please help!