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  1. C

    Need help with plant, leaves turning yellow/brown (PICS)

    Hello, I was just wondering what you think is wrong with the plant, its northern lights, also overall does it look normal?
  2. C

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    1 whats going on with my plant, tips turning yellow/brown like theyre drying up. 2 other than the obvious does the plant look normal? its northern light.
  3. C

    WTF white odorless slime all over everything!

    BUMP can anyone help??
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    WTF white odorless slime all over everything!

    OK Heres what i got, i was using an aerogarden to start the plant, i used liquid karma nutes, boiled water, using lemon juice to balance PH and rockwool. I look today and theres this white slime the consistency of snot all over the rez, i try to keep my rez around 70 degrees. Heres some pics...
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    1rst time grower, just got seeds germed need help now.

    OK i just got my seed germinated. Now I don't know what to do, to germinate the seeds I placed them in a Tupperware bowl on a paper towel dampened with PH neutral water. I sealed the Tupperware bowl and placed it on a heating pad on the low setting after two days I now have a doubt an inch of...
  6. C

    First time growing, germination questions

    Hello, this is my first time growing, I just received my seeds in the mail and am going to start germinating. I plan on dampening paper towels with PH balanced water in placing them in a taco bell tray. Underneath the tray i will have a heating pad, the only problem Is that the heating pad has...