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  1. C

    What is the most potent strain you have tried?

    In thirty years of daily smoking and 3 growing. I can honestly say that few strains I have smoked or grown have got near the all out knockout punch of a g13 auto ak47 i recently finished under a 250 hps. I shit you not! I only grew this freebie after my main crop failed. It grew alongside the...
  2. C

    Please advise

    Thanks mr green thumb that's amazing. I was kind of worried but your rapid response has reassured me. Really kind of you to take the time to answer. Thanks again. Si
  3. C

    Please advise

    Hi, I have just discovered that I have stupidly used a timer set to 12/12 in my veg box! Entirely the fault of that big Buddha which has taken up residence in my front room. The four fem seedlings in there are about 3 weeks after germ with the first five blade set half formed. As near as I...
  4. C

    Leaves pointing upwards???

    Sorry missed a couple of replies. Having read them I have backed the light off and pointed my fan toward it. I'll mist them before bedtime a little and see if it helps. Two worst are within a week or so of chop so should be ok. Would like to avoid it again though. Wish I was able to attach...
  5. C

    Leaves pointing upwards???

    Thanks for response, I'm in pretty late flower on the big ones. It's a 600 so is a bit close. Leathery as I put it refers to a thickening of the leaves around the top of the cola. not very dry or burnt but wouldn't like to be much closer. I'll back it off some tomorrow, straggler catching...
  6. C

    Leaves pointing upwards???

    I have three that fit the above description in a room together. No reason to suspect major deficiencies as using Autopots and coco/superthrive. Dif strains too. My light is too close though trying to compromise for a shorter plant or two(14-16" maybe. Gone a bit leathery too. Bet light too...
  7. C

    Which is which?

    I take your point but if one turns out to be da shizzle I'd like to know which it is. UFO is brilliant I'm getting quite a collection. Cheers anyway Anyone else help me?
  8. C

    Which is which?

    Hi all, I have two UFO freebies in the later stages of flower. Problem is I got them mixed up and I don't know which is which, Doh. One is cole train and the other is kanabia smile. The plants are very disimiliar, one couldn't look More like a Xmas tree if it was rammed up a fairies arse...
  9. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lol thanks mate, plenty of them round here. If they wanna bust me for four plants good luck to em. Growing to avoid driving around in cars with drugs and money, nearly as risky i think especially if you factor in the areas visited an associated risks. just one 600 so not too bad really. Had a...
  10. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Your second sentence has a scarey ring of truth about it m8, fingers crossed and all that. Just had the chopper overhead for like ten mins, not heard it for months either. Seems to have fucked off to the m6 now so thats good. I suppose it might crash, shame that would be eh?
  11. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers for the welcome, I'll deffo stick around. As for the exact strain i'm not too sure, lol. Its ruinous though i can tell you that much Thanks again dude its great to be able to have like minded friends to chat with, secrecy being such an issue an all that shit. CW
  12. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi fellow uk growers, greetings from oop north. Been lurking and learning stuff on the site. Decided to register and just posted details of my grow with a couple of pics in the introduce yourself section. Doing...
  13. C

    Hello from across the Atlantic

    Thanks for replying Dr G. The terrible stench is inevitable with this strain I'm afraid. The smoke is worth it though and i'm doing everything possible to make it the best i can. Thanks again for the warm welcome, and also for making my photo so big for everyone to see it properly. CW
  14. C

    Hello from across the Atlantic

    Hi everyone, been lurking for some time now and have gained enough info to build 1.2 x 1.8 room and equip it with a 600 hps and ruck fan and filter, also have a desk fan going 24/7. I have somehow managed to get 4 cheese plants to week eight of flower, Pics attached i hope, about a week old. I...