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  1. $

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    hey about to move from dirt to a ebb n grow type setup. this is the only kit availble where im at.. my question is about the control box. i havent seen one like this before? whats the diff between this and the small expensive ones ya see on here? i plan on growing 12 plants......any...
  2. $

    has anyone seen this E&G kit b4?

    notice the controll bucket is same size as res? these are the only kits availble where im from just wanting some opinions before i buy it. i plan on growing 12 plants. will this kit do or should i try build a small control bucket and whats the diff? THANKS...
  3. $

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    can someone tell me if this ebb and grow kit is anygood? its the only kind availble where im from and i havent got time for a d.i.y. i havent seen a control bucket like that before? will it be as good as the smaller more expensive ones? any help much apreciated!check the link...