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  1. diowk

    Brown roots or build up. What is this and how to fix?

    Heisenberg tea all the way!
  2. diowk

    Dumb DWC newbie question about supporting plants

    can anyone show me ONE picture of someone that required a stake to support the main stem of an indoor dwc plant 4-6ft tall? I've never seen or heard of anyone doing this before so how would it be required? My avatar is dwc... no stakes required.... how would you even support the stake anyways...
  3. diowk

    a guide for anyone who is unhappy with their germ rates when using rockwool

    Well perhaps thats because you have only been an RIU member for 6 months. You probably have not been growing for much longer than that either. Also, in no way was I agreeing with you. I simply stated that the paper towel method does have its applications but for your typical hobbyist who just...
  4. diowk

    a guide for anyone who is unhappy with their germ rates when using rockwool

    Without a doubt the best way if your growing in soil and dont have a lot of seeds. Thats how natures been doing it for thousands of years without any help from man so why change it? This, however, is posted under "hydroponics/aeroponics". Soil doesnt really play a role here. :) This is...
  5. diowk

    a guide for anyone who is unhappy with their germ rates when using rockwool

    your obviously confused. Yes, a seed will pop well in paper towel with a 100% successs rate most of the time. My point is the transfer from paper towel to rockwool is an unnecessary risk that for most hobbyist growers, is just going to lower their success rate. The paper towel isnt the...
  6. diowk

    a guide for anyone who is unhappy with their germ rates when using rockwool

    I used to have a lot of trouble starting seeds in rockwool successfully. I ended up finding my own method after experiencing bad germ rates with all conventional methods. I've tried everything I could possibly think of to see what works best and I've landed on this method. Now I get 100%...
  7. diowk

    clear slime on hoses and pump... normal?

    Yeah, check out the first sticky under the dwc/bubbleponics area. Heisenberg made a great post about this stuff. You need to take it into consideration because it can live without light and loves oxygen so even the perfect setup is vulnerable to it since theres never anyway to know FOR SURE if...
  8. diowk

    clear slime on hoses and pump... normal?

    I just set up my system and have had water in it about a week, maybe 2. Temp has been a steady 19C. Roots havent even come out the bottom of the mesh pots yet but i got feeder tubes on the cubes feeding them constantly and theyre loving it but Ive noticed when I touch my airlines in the rez or...
  9. diowk

    quick question on air pump placement

    thanks guys
  10. diowk

    click here to find out how to make cannabis legal in 2 years

    how can you say that? harper wants you in jail!
  11. diowk

    click here to find out how to make cannabis legal in 2 years

    Hey everyone! Im starting this thread in an attempt to inform your every day cannabis smoker that has no interest whatsoever in politics about what's going on in Canada right now. We need to eelect Justin Trudeau as the next PM of Canada. He vows to legalize cannabis (even for recreational use...
  12. diowk

    using bubbleponics system

    the taproot will naturally grow towards the center of the earth since it figures out which direction to go based on gravity. You dont want direct light on the young taproot so wait until its past the rockwool and if you can still see root, give the rockwool a couple gentle pinches or scrape off...
  13. diowk

    quick question on air pump placement

    all air pump instructions say to place air pump above the water level . is this necessary if your air lines enter your rez above the water level or can you put the pump on the floor in that case? +rep
  14. diowk

    Anyone who likes Mr.Nice seeds should really check this out! (documentary)

    I posted this in the growers forum because your typical smoker isnt going to have a clue about mr.nice seeds; just growers that buy their gear. Therefore this seemed like the best place to post this. I started watching this doc about a drug smugger as I like those shows. He was referring to...
  15. diowk

    cinderella 99 ??????????

    u serious buddy? theyre scammers and the least trusted bank online.... never buy from them.
  16. diowk

    What do you guys think of my idea to induce flowering?

    check this out
  17. diowk

    What do you guys think of my idea to induce flowering?

    Sorry guys, heres the link to that product I was talking about. I think guerilla growers interested in light depo will be excited about this. Almost seems like it was made with us in mind :)
  18. diowk

    What do you guys think of my idea to induce flowering?

    i found a product that would work even better than the garbage bags but its literally 100x the price. It has no bottom so I wouldnt have to transplant from 3 gal pots and it takes seconds to setup and pack up. What do you guys think? (I would paint the inside with a flexible black opaque paint...
  19. diowk

    What do you guys think of my idea to induce flowering?

    I live at 55deg N. in Canada so there are few (I'm not sure there are any whatsoever actually) regular strains that will finish by October since the july daylength is 1 hour longer than more southern places like Ottawa (where the seeds Im wanting to grow were bred). Everything else about my...
  20. diowk

    EVERY outdoor grower should read this!

    lmao! wow... so wheres your degree doctor?