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  1. P

    Outdoor Odor

    so doing this in the very back of the backyard behind some other plants without the family knowing would not be a good idea?
  2. P

    Outdoor Odor

    alright sounds great, do u have personal experience with this plant?
  3. P

    Outdoor Odor

    what are some low odor strains? how far away do u smell them?
  4. P

    Outdoor Odor

    a quarter mile!? so ur basically saying the whole neighborhood would smell this? would putting activated charcoal around the plant significantly reduce the smell? and with charcoals, could someone guesstimate how far the smell would reach?
  5. P

    Outdoor Odor

    What is the radius of the odor an outdoor :leaf: plant will make while growing and while budding?
  6. P

    Extracting Alprazolam from Xanax

    I have thought of a method to extract alprazolam from 2mg xanax tablet. This is to get rid of filters and make onset of effects quicker and to get a higher peak. ok, so alprazolam has a higher solubility in acidic liquids. Not very much in water. So I have thought about grinding up 1 2mg Xanax...
  7. P

    Help with my Grow Op, PROBLEMS

    nevermind about my last questions. some of my plants just sprouted today, 4th day of the grow op. :rolleyes: heres some pics of it, as you can see its a stealth grow setup.
  8. P

    Help with my Grow Op, PROBLEMS

    okay thanks for the tips. I have plastic bagged all my paper cups with the seeds in there to seal in moisture. Is this a good idea, or should i just remove these and just water them regularly?
  9. P

    Help with my Grow Op, PROBLEMS

    Okay, here's a rough outline of my grow op so far. There have been a few problems. Should I change anything? Germination: Tupperware with damp paper towel on bottom. 2 more damp paper towels on top. Completely sealed. After 8 hours spooned some more water on, then let sit until a full 27...