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  1. J

    When Do I Transplant

    So my plant is 20 days old today. A Fast Bud Autoflowering plant. I have it in a pot that is 8" in diameter and about 8 inches tall. The plant itself is 4" tall (picture included). My question is at what point will this pot start to cramp the roots? I want to transplant before the growth becomes...
  2. J

    Fast Bud Start Indoor - Grow Journal

    So today is Day 11. There has been very little sunlight here the past week as it has been quite rainy so I think this may be why growth seems stunted. To be honest I can't see any difference between Day 8 and Day 11. She has gotten a bit taller but very little leaf growth. I'm worried because...
  3. J

    Fast Bud Start Indoor - Grow Journal

    So today is day 8. There has been consistent vertical growth, now around 3 inches, but there is still only one pair of leaves with a second pair just starting to form. Is this normal?
  4. J

    Fast Bud Start Indoor - Grow Journal

    Thanks for the advice. I'd been thinking about that because around where I am it still gets down to mid 40's- mid 50's every night so what temperature would it have to be at night for it to be alright for me to transplant outside?
  5. J

    Fast Bud Start Indoor - Grow Journal

    So it's been two days since I put the germinated seeds in the earth and both my plants have popped up. Looking forward to new growth coming up. Sorry about the low quality of the pictures. I'll be using a better camera in the future.
  6. J

    Fast Bud Start Indoor - Grow Journal

    So I'm doing my first grow. I ordered three feminized fast bud seeds, an autoflowering strain. I began the germination process by placing the seeds in wet paper towels on a plate under a bowl. One germinated after two days, the second after three days. I planted each of the seeds in some soil in...
  7. J

    New Grower, Many Questions

    My seeds germinated, 3 Auto Ak-47, and I have put them into my soil and watered for the first time. They are in peat cups and I watered til water came out the bottom. 1. Is this the appropriate amount of water, til it flows out the bottom? 2. How frequently do I water? 3. When do I...
  8. J

    Order Status from Attitude

    thanks everyone. woke up to an email today that it had been delivered and went outside to find it on my porch! thanks for all the replies.
  9. J

    Order Status from Attitude

    For days now the USPS tracker has said, "Origin sender is packaging to ship..." or whatever even though Royal Mail tracker has said for days that "Package has been handed over to foreign delivery service." Has anyone else experienced this? What does this mean? Thanks
  10. J

    1st time outdoors...

    how do you harden them to the wind and temps? like leave them outside for longer and longer before putting them out for good?
  11. J

    ATTITUDE seed bank! +++

    What are the chances of your items getting intercepted if ordering to America and the stealth option of the t-shirt is used?
  12. J

    Ordering Seeds to New England, USA

    What are the chances that you get caught/your items get intercepted if ordering from a seed bank (Attitude for example) and if you take all the stealth options such as ordering a t-shirt as well?