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  1. D

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    This isn't a complete answer but they are definitely over-watered. If you're feeding by soil there isn't too much need to foliar feed, and even so you should make sure not to give the plant too much water through either/both ways. Let the soil dry out a bit and then water again as needed.
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    Advanced Nutrients

    Yes. Don't use AN, maybe the Voodoo juice but you can find similar better products. (see my post on the myco fungi)...
  3. D

    Advice on STRAINS PLEASE I'd say make a list of which would be best outdoors (mold/disease resistant) and then figure out which of those you'd want to smoke the most after harvest. That'd be a good place to start and then ask others to weigh in on the options you've...
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    The G13 truth comes out Doc wins

    How am I being a spammer if my post has actual thought in it? You obviously do not know the definition of a spammer, anyway... If he has it from Neville, then doesn't Neville have it as well? In addition to anyone who has also received it from Neville? Whose to say no one else has it then? I...
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    The G13 truth comes out Doc wins

    I think anyone who reads this will be skeptical. First of all, who is "Jim"? And you act as if this "Jim" has credibility because of being a member for almost 2 years at Mr. Nice. Yet, he has only 13 posts.....not very good credibility. By that logic, I have great credibility then too- more than...
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    Scumbag Steve

    i laughed so hard when i read this, seriously, the beginning had me going but the glasses bit, f*cking priceless.
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    What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

    sometimes, i think my dog is an alien. but then again, in retrospect, i might just be paranoid. :joint:
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    First cfl grow, pics included, please advise.

    you have the space, if you can wait, look up some scrog grows or other lst threads and try your hand at it. it's not too hard and you can do it just a little, you'll maximize your space with more bud sites so it could be worth it. like others said, more lights- cfls, maybe try getting a 200w hps...
  9. D

    First cfl grow, pics included, please advise.

    nice setup, everything looks good. i would say though, if height space is an issue you should definitely tie them down, lst, maybe top, and start the flowering cycle soon. they are going to get much bigger. start a journal :hump::blsmoke::peace:
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    Late Night stoner Music Videos now your music vid

    I never said I was a role model.
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    Late Night stoner Music Videos now your music vid

    the mustard is not a deadly gas.
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    Late Night stoner Music Videos now your music vid
  13. D


    never seen an episode of the sopranos, good that you're keeping in touch with your mom considering you're not on good speaking terms with your dad anymore. what's so confusing about a pancake on a rabbit's head? someone put a pancake on its head and took a picture. ? we all have wikipedia...
  14. D


    and who uses Columbine to insult someone anyway? real people died there, i hope you realize. just shows more how you fit the bill of someone who has Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). the real tragedy, is if someone like you doesn't get help and eventually develops a mind to think certain...
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    I could care less about your internet "beef", next time you say something like "I shouldveguessed someone like you would LOVE seeing sacs everywhere.", make sure you make it obvious who the fuck you're talking about. So no, not straight up. I'm not trying to prove you're "bad" either, because...
  16. D


    oh and if you don't want to look through his post, here are a few quotes. after someone asked how long it would take for a male to be ready to pollinate, he replies: he then edits that to: more? oh yeah, let's get our brothers arrested, sent to jail and have to deal with the physical...
  17. D


    yeah and i agree with you. thing is, is that i did actually help him, even if it was disrespectful. like 80mg said, the negative post will try to make him better. what about you? you have not even mentioned anything about his story. actually, you decided to join the thread to bash on me, so...
  18. D


    this has to be the worst piece of sh!t i've read in a while. for starters, you lack basic comprehension of the rules of grammar. for someone who "takes their writing very serious" you seem to be unable to even use spell check or proofread your work. jesus christ! in that paragraph alone, how...
  19. D

    What the hell is this!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    did anyone mention a love for sacks? other than you? i'll take an educated guess and say 80mg is dreaming of sacks so he just HAD to mention it. kind of gay bro, you should just come out of the closet, people here, for the most part (so basically that doesn't include you) are understanding and...
  20. D

    What the hell is this!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    80mg, what's the point of the two posts you made? you're absolutely worthless. they'll be ready to pollinate anywhere from 2-4 weeks from 12/12.