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    General Hydroponics Help?

    I'm in fox farm original soil
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    General Hydroponics Help?

    O so I just put my plants into flower and during the veg cycle all I used was flora nova grow. I just recently bought a bunch more stuff and was wonder how I should feed them! I looked at there chart but have seen that other people use them differently. Any advice and ideas would be greatly...
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    ~sturman8r's first grow thread~

    run off was low 5.5. i havent been using the nutes very hard at all but i was just told that the soil i was using doesnt have any nutes in it and that its probably lack of nutrients. so i flushed with 2 gal of water each ph'd to 6.5 then transplanted them into 5gal pots with fox farms original...
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    help bought the wrong soil!

    ok thanks guys i transplanted them into fox farms original with perlite!
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    help bought the wrong soil!

    ok so my plants were nice and green and looking good until i put them in the organic miracle grow soil! now they are light green and not growing as fast as usual and have purple stems. what do i do to change the the soil i have fox farms original that i would like to put them in and get rid of...
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    ~sturman8r's first grow thread~

    PH is right around 6.5, i have the organic miracle grow soil and i use floranova 1 part grow and tap water.
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    leaves r light green?

    please refer to this thread! has pictures and explaines everything
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    ~sturman8r's first grow thread~

    can anyone answer? why my leaves r so light?
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    ~sturman8r's first grow thread~

    hey guys, ok so this will be my 3rd grow. i am a legal medical patient in washington state and im going to be doing a perpetual grow. if you guys see anything that im doing wrong or a easier way i could do it please let me know as i am still learning and any help is greatly appreciated...
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    new grow room setup!

    ok so im a medical patient and im going to redo my grow room! it is located in a detached garage and i have a 8 x 10 x 9 ft area that is now lined in panda film but i wanna make it into a solid structure and make a veg and flower room so that i can harvest every 2 months. here is what i have so...
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    Clones laying flat?

    I cut 9 clones last night and dipped then straight in rooting hormone and into soil! They are all laying flat on the soil except one? I use 1000w metal halide! Anyone know what could have happened or if they will repair themselves?
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    Leave tips curling down?

    Also growing in soil root growth is still great I transplanted 3 days ago and already need to transplant! I think mine might be because of over fertilizing and watering! My new growth is kinda yellow?
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    Leave tips curling down?

    My setup is a 12x8 room with exhaust and intake fan 1000w mh and oscilating fan!
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    Leave tips curling down?

    Like the title says my leave tips are curling downwards! This has just happened over the last 2 days and I have searched and haven't found any answers! Please help thanks
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    Washington mmj question!

    i know thats what the cards have on them in washington but his says 99 i read it?
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    Washington mmj question!

    1 more thing i was talking to someone who has there card here in washington and on it it says he can have 99 plants and 24 oz! anyone heard of this?
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    Washington mmj question!

    i appreciate all the replies! i am going to hopefully go see a doctor this week about getting my card!
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    Washington mmj question!

    Ok so I am 23 and live in Washington state I have a prosthetic leg and because of that I have constant back pain and I don't want to take prescription pills because I can not function on them at work! I am considering getting my card. I have a doctors appt on Monday and am wodering how I would...