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  1. Riott

    help with flowering

    thanks alot but this is a random seed so i wont have any idea until i actually start flowering --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No it's staying inside theres nowhere around here to put it outside safely anyway...but its looking like...
  2. Riott

    help with flowering

    So my plant is about 17" tall inches now with 7 nodes and we are about ready to start flowering it. (this is my first btw.). Up to this point we've grown it with 24/7 lighting so my question is should we switch it directly to 12/12 lighting or should we ween it in...any comments are greatly...
  3. Riott

    My brother has got a twisted perspective..

    That's awesome to hear man I've always been a huge fan of him.
  4. Riott

    The Steps To Growing Legally As A Profession

    Well... try reading that, it might give you some ideas:weed:
  5. Riott

    My Artwork

    Just figured I'd share some of my drawings There not very good, lol but w/e I'm sharing them anyway 2007 2009 2008 2009 2007 2007 So tell me what you think. Like I said I know there not that good, lol.
  6. Riott

    My brother has got a twisted perspective..

    That is awesome kind of reminds me of Alex Grey...
  7. Riott

    25$ For 1 Gram Of Purple Kush

    Why didnt you just pour it out and take a picture of it outside of the bag so I can actually see it, lol. I would say you didn't get ripped off because $25 for a gram is usually how it goes around here. Well for chronic(our generic word for good bud,lol), yea it goes around 20-25. I usually...
  8. Riott

    First Grow - Mystery Weed!

    March 15, 2010 So it's now been a couple days since the incident and by now I am positive that my plant is fine. The second 2 spiky leaves are starting to grow out nicely, but both plants still seem to be growing exceptionally slow. I'm guessing it's because of the lack of fertilizer. We need...
  9. Riott

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    Well I can almost guarentee if weed is legalized in the U.S., it will still be illegal to cultivate. You can thank capitalism for that, lol. The big businesses that start cultivating and selling it will make sure that happens. Well, maybe not, lol. Either way I mean I'd probably continue to grow...
  10. Riott

    Knocked over plant :( Need some advice.

    Actually I do have a journal just check my posts. But yea, I'm really not worried about it anymore. She's perked back up and everything (still paying extra attention to her). Thanks for the advice everyone!
  11. Riott

    Got The Knock And Talk @ 4 Am

    It's definetley not a good idea to rat anyone out. I mean sure they try to act cool talking about beer and sports or whatever they think will make you comfortable. When it all comes down to it it's pretty much like a legal scam. You give them more people to bust, and that's what it turns into...
  12. Riott

    How to beat drug dogs?

    Well for one thing this has happened to me before. At my old high school they used to have drug dogs run through the halls. Now, I don't know about your school but if it's anything like mine, they do it out of nowhere while your in class and do a "lock down" where nobody can leave the room. The...
  13. Riott


    Well I don't know much but from what it sounds like to me if he got fucked with charges he probably refused to rat anyone out. I mean from personal experience I've had cops that are trying to get me to rat out my dealers or w/e and the fact that I wouldn't talk makes them hate you. lol I mean...
  14. Riott

    First Grow - Mystery Weed!

    March 14, 2010 So it's been about 24 hours since the plant dropped, and it seems to be doing great! At this point I'm pretty much positive she's gonna make it through. Besides that I've gotten some advice through the post I made and everyone else seems to think so too. She's lookin' good...
  15. Riott

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    I don't think it's ever too early just be careful not to over fertilize.
  16. Riott

    Knocked over plant :( Need some advice.

    Thanks for the advice man
  17. Riott

    Driving on Salvia

    I'm sure a lot of you have already seen this but it cracks me up lol
  18. Riott

    breaks from weed

    I had to quit for a while after I got busted. It sucked but you get used to it after about a month lol I never smoked till I was 15 so whenever I have to quit for an extended period of time I just try to tell me self I went 15 years of life without it so I can go a month, haha
  19. Riott

    Whats Your Pot Peeve?

    When people get joints/blunts all soggy when your in rotation with a bunch of people and you always get the dead end of the bowl and never really get high when you go threw a fat sack too fast when you get busted when your at school/work stoned and people keep telling you you smell...
  20. Riott

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hey about your question about water: You can use purified water If you want to use water from the tap, let it sit out a few days before using it so that the chlorine and other crap evaporates. Hope that helps BTW nice grow box dude :D