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  1. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    damn its about time!!!!

    Coyote piss or Repels-All to keep critters away.
  2. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Take clones from an outdoor plant and growing indoors - doable?

    Apparently Quick Reply doesn't pick up carriage returns/line feeds in FireFox.
  3. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Take clones from an outdoor plant and growing indoors - doable?

    Thanks for the info; i appreciate it.
  4. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Take clones from an outdoor plant and growing indoors - doable?

    When I typed the shit up it had paragraphs; after posting they were gone. My apologies, this is what happens when i drink; chatty chatty chatty. I can't smoke; disagrees with my body (which sucks) but the title covered the question pretty much in full. Short version: I have three skunky ass...
  5. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    is this a hermie?

    Could be monoecious; not many folks are aware of the difference between a hermaphrodite and monoecious plants. True hermies have both male and female reproductive organs on the same flower, where as monoecious plants have flowers that have individual flowers with only male and female...
  6. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Take clones from an outdoor plant and growing indoors - doable?

    Is it possible to take clones from an outdoor plant and grow them indoors? Have some that I started outside, topped and rooted the tops; now curious if I can take those rooted clones (3) and put them indoors under 600 watts of MH and then (the more scarey side) 2000 watts of HPS. OR if it's...
  7. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    First harvest, did I do okay on yield?

    Can't upload pic's; WTF?
  8. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    First harvest, did I do okay on yield?

    Been away a while; flying under the radar. To answer the questions: Werry420 - Dry Weight McFonz - 8 Plants and 3 tiny ones that i had somewhere else. I ended up with well over 1/2 lb dry and had just slightly over 1/2 lb after curing; some I cured for nearly three months. I would have it...
  9. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Drinkning Water, Distilled Water, Spring Water, which is best?

    Deionized is the safest bet in my book, but use distilled water myself. "Drinking Water" is often straight from the tap of the manufacturer and ran through a crappy filter; spring water will vary in mineral content and have inconsistent PPM & PH levels. I use distilled water since I haven't a...
  10. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    First harvest, did I do okay on yield?

    I've got pics of the grow in my album, but haven't uploaded the harvest pics yet. I will be offloading them from the camera and putting them up when I get a chance. Here's a link to the album
  11. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    First harvest, did I do okay on yield?

    900 watts of HPS (1-600, 2 - 150's) Was using crap ferts (from what I've been told), used Vigoro General Purpose during veg and GreenLight Superbloom during flowering.
  12. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    First harvest, did I do okay on yield?

    Okay, first time grow and made just about every mistake known to man. but ended up averaging close to an ounce per plant that were predominately sativa (bag seed); a couple brought in 1.5-1.75 oz. If you take out the two that were puny, trouble children, it puts me over an ounce per plant. I...
  13. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Temp Question on drying

    Okay, so once I set this all up, things changed; temp was pushing in the upper 80F range during the hot time of the day and the humidity was pretty steady at around 50% as it was before. So I removed the foam board divider to the cool space and apparently opening up this area has resulted in a...
  14. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Temp Question on drying

    I decided to build a box out of a few sheets of 3/4 X 4 X 8 foam board, mounting a HEPA air purifier in the bottom to pull cool air in from an air conditioned space and venting out of slots in the top. With this setup, my temp should run closer to 70ish and humidity in the 50% range; would this...
  15. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Temp Question on drying

    Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
  16. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Temp Question on drying

    After cutting through the information overload; I've reached one final quandary that I need clarification on... what is an acceptable temp of where I'm drying these monkeys? About the only place I have enough room is in a closet that stays fairly warm and the majority of what I've read has...
  17. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Those pics are from 06/22 so I think they're pretty much ready; trichs are mostly cloudy and some amber. There is a clear one here and there but you have to search. The hairs are around 75% browned.
  18. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Got a guesstimate on these?
  19. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Thanks for the heads up!!!
  20. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    How do you fix an overwatered plant?

    I water about every 2-3 days; as I am in 5 gallon buckets. I've learned a lot through this process; being my first grow and all. The biggest lessons I've learned are to always follow my gut, if it isn't broke don't fix it and the necessity of proper preparation and research.