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  1. B

    Hey man, thanks for commenting on the Blue Lightning Mystical Plant Spray thread! There's no...

    Hey man, thanks for commenting on the Blue Lightning Mystical Plant Spray thread! There's no info on this stuff. Norcal in southern Colorado huh? Funny, that's also my story. Where in cali are you from? I was from the central cost. God I would kill to see the Blue Lightning in action, I think it...
  2. B

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    supplementing mag/cal is realy dependant on your nutes... If your nutes are designed for RO then it's not needed howerver most do anyways causing lockout and then they assume they have a deficiency. I use Aqua Flakes and you can really only use mag/cal at 1/2 strength or it will lockout... sorry...
  3. B

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    fluffygrrrl: Yes you can use buckets of different sizes in one system... just use common sense about the fill/drain levels in the larger buckets in relation to the smaller ones... There was once a system with the two gallon buckets and some 3.5 gallon buckets, the larger ones had to be tilted...
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    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Before I get into this let me just say, Make sure you are not using PH down that has "citric acid" as it's only listed ingredient! GH ph down is phosphic acid+citric acid+ some other stuff... Pro PH down is strait phosphoric acid. Earth Juice PH "Crystals" (looks like sugar) is strait citric and...
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    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Hey all, I have a question about the ebb & gro... My buddy has a 24 site ebbngro and just transplanted yesterday. The clones were left in the cloner a lot longer than anticipated and their roots are about 6-10" long. He started the cloner on 1/4 strength nutes about a week ago. He is using H&G...
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    New Kid on the Block (with new products)

    Building something very simular... if you lived in co, wish i could help... luckly I do not have to do it alone!
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    ultrasonic fogger

    I am using a simular one in a cloner, it only has one light. That one you have may be a prob with all those lights... I'll let you know how mine is going soon, pm me in a few days. Also, these things heat the water after being on overnight to about 85deg. You want the stems to hover over the...
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    Who Uses Blue Lightning Mystical Plant Spray?

    Really? Nobody knows about this product?
  9. B

    Which one of these meters should I get?

    I have used both .. they are both great, just a sort of personal preference. Where do you try to keep your ppm's at? If below 2000 the first one (low range) if you never go that high than it is fine. If you need the wide range and/or don't have a problem converting on the fly i.e. 1 part per...
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    Who Uses Blue Lightning Mystical Plant Spray?

    Hey people I am new to this forum (O.G. refugee), been lingering a while now and finally started participating. I bought this crap called Blue Lightning Mystical Plant Spray and the shop employees could tell me nothing about it. I read some info about it online and they claim it has a wide...
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    Dude there are posts all over about this product try searching for it.
  12. B

    Blue Lightning Mystcal Plant Spray

    Nobody knows of this stuff? Come on, somebody humor me... Even if you know someone who used it? I know some shops sell it as a fungicidal remedy. I am trying to figure out if it is actually just soap. It really smells like soap. Some info online says that it releases nutrient reserves in the...
  13. B

    Cutting the tips of fan leaves off clones to promote growth??

    Yes trim the leaves... the clones I used to get in oaksterdam were all trimmed. Yes it does help water loss. I trim all my clone's FAN leaves, about 50% on the big leaves and less on the smaller ones.
  14. B

    canna aqua ph rising help please

    what was you problem and solution? Wish I could have helped... I have the same situation.
  15. B

    Blue Lightning Mystcal Plant Spray

    Hi people, I just wanted to know if anyone has used this product or is ya know anything about it. Please don't tell me it's "cash in a bottle"! (the reson I never bought it before now) I just can't find any info online except for a brief description of it's claims. I grabbed a bottle to conduct...
  16. B

    *****Who plays music for there plants???*****

    I like to make a playlist that contains a mix of differents music genres (fequency diversity). I believe, as stated above, that it is the vibrations that resonate the plants cells and allows them to "move". I know you guys have watched your babies without any air movement and seen them grow. I...