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  1. 2NASTY


    hey i was wondering, "misty" starting to smell at all yet?
  2. 2NASTY


    yeah during flowering the plant doubles its size so just give her time. patience is a virtue
  3. 2NASTY


    subscribed, seems like your plant really took off. I was def thinking of doing a micro grow of BM but havent had the time. Hope you get your blue hues....goodluck and keep us updated.
  4. 2NASTY

    "I Think I Can!"...First Grow from seed!

    nice healthy lookin plants u got there
  5. 2NASTY

    Stealthish CFL box

    subscribed, interested in where this goes. goodluck!
  6. 2NASTY

    yellowing for what seems no reason....

    pretty sure this dudes right with the nitro def.
  7. 2NASTY

    Stealthish CFL box

    not bad, as long as you keep the plant bout 2 inches from your lights everything should turn out fine (knock on wood). p.s. a few seeds look fine for planting bout now, but might wanna wait till they all ready tho to put em in soil
  8. 2NASTY

    "I Think I Can!"...First Grow from seed!

    how long did you veg for?
  9. 2NASTY

    Help! plant problems i have pics!

    not an expert at all but im guessing, lack of sulfur or lack of iron. sometimes plants yellow out when nearing the harvesting or flowering. give it some nutes but just a bit i'd say. if plants can live outdoors they can handle a little lack of nutes every once in a while :blsmoke:
  10. 2NASTY

    My bad heres the pics (please help)

    ph level off in water your using?
  11. 2NASTY

    first grow, pot too big?

    pot seems just about perfect, how tall you maing these puppies?
  12. 2NASTY

    they want to invest...

    depending on how long u plan on growing for id say see if u can just pay him back what you owed and then something extra for the trouble. try to cut him out of the picture asap.