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  1. MisterPeabody

    Am I retarded?

    I usually pre-soak my seeds for a good day. I always use tap water that has set around for a few days to eliminate chlorine. My tap water reads around 200 ppm. Most of the time, they sink and pop within a day or so. If not, they get planted anyway, and usually pop on their own. Soaking them in...
  2. MisterPeabody

    DIY Carbon High Flo Filter - 30 bucks

    I've decided to pull the filter and decided to attempt to improve air flow even more. One more time. I want to create another isolation chamber for the carbon bed, and reduce the circumference of the carbon bed from about 4.5 inches to around 1.5-2.0 inches. I don't believe I need it that thick...
  3. MisterPeabody

    DIY Carbon High Flo Filter - 30 bucks

    I STILL think this design can be improved upon. :wall:
  4. MisterPeabody

    wife or ex wife problem

    Dude. It sounds like you have a one of those rare match made in heaven things, and I think you deserve one another. Think of these happenings as the pillar of salt....your rock in which to build your relationship upon.......your a lucky guy. I ran into your wife by the dept store the other day...
  5. MisterPeabody

    150W HPS Multi Strain Cab

    Sure enough. Try venting 400 watts from an 18"x36"x48" It CAN be done but it isn't easy. If you go with a passive system, it shouldn't take more than a few pancake fans. Dealing with odor when they start flowering is an issue you might as well deal with now, 'cause your gonna do it one way or...
  6. MisterPeabody

    Is this normal?

    I know this is painful. But his balls have dropped and he has to go. Think of him as having a pandemic deadly bird flu (not the government's made up one, but a real one that effects all your virgin ladies) and he is putting the rest of the girls in the valley of the brothel in severe jeopardy by...
  7. MisterPeabody

    Grow cab with 400W HPS Too Much

    The last grow netted me a little over 1/4 lb dry bud followed by a sack of water leave. I made cannabutter (2 lbs) with the excess leaves. This time, I'll make hash. I'm hoping this time to push the envelope and get 1/2 lb this run. This time, I shouldn't be fighting the heat stress related...
  8. MisterPeabody

    Grow cab with 400W HPS Too Much

    Thanks for the kind words! Here is a link to the latest mod. The hood is a Super Sun ll air cooled w/glass and blanket. The unit would be considered a downflow. The PC Fan in the...
  9. MisterPeabody

    Grow cab with 400W HPS Too Much

    It CAN be done...Mine is 18x36x72. The 400 watt'r takes up the lower area (18x36x50) while the upper has a T5 setup. An inline 170 cfm takes care of the exhausting duties. Unit is designed as mainly utilizing passive intakes. The lower cab has a Baby Bloomer Ebb & Flow which fits perfect. I did...
  10. MisterPeabody

    What do gays really want?

    Certainly. If you insist. Two girls "rubbing their pink" is about as fascinating as visiting a cottage cheese factory....which indecently, if they continued to rub their pudding muffins together would result in a concoction very similar to what you seen at the cottage cheese factory. Will that...
  11. MisterPeabody

    design for your viewing pleasure

    Sweet design. I'm drooling, wishing I had the space you have. I'll be following you on this one. I Especially like the cloning. mother area. Perfect for that, as well as instruments, nutrients, ect. I cant wait to see you project done!
  12. MisterPeabody

    What do gays really want?

    It's simple. The little homo pixie fairies wearing girls pants with little silver loop de loops and earring are wanting to hold a dick in their hand other than their own. I could be wrong...just a best guess from an old country boy. Then again, I hear the pudding-plungers are into...
  13. MisterPeabody

    blowing hot air

    Hmmm... "Can't" never did shit...:peace:
  14. MisterPeabody

    1st time Hydro needs help

    By looking at the leaves in your photo, they appear to be curled upwards. This looks like a sign of heat stress. Whats your EC or PPM? What about PH? Also, remember with hydroponics (especially in enclosed environments) the plants use a LOT of water to keep them cool. Notice I said "water". The...
  15. MisterPeabody

    Cloner Using Bubbleponics and Fogponics

    Here is how it begins. A Cheap Sterilite tub Top View of Tub I used two 3" flexible air bubbles. Most aquarium supply stores carry them. Bent back and forth. The idea is lots of bubbles, and everywhere 2" Site Plugs and I drilled a hole in them for the cloner. Trust me, this seals MUCH...
  16. MisterPeabody

    400w hps stealth grow

    I've done anywhere from 4 to 12 in an area that size. My last was in a scrog type environment. I had 8 then, but I've redesigned the cab and gained some room. I just went from constant drip to ebb and flow. Check out the Baby Bloomer. It's pretty close to a perfect fit. I have 10 5x5 pots that...
  17. MisterPeabody

    PC Stealth box-is it possible?

    I built one as well. I actually flowered a W. Widow in it, though a very small plant. Now, I use it only for rooting clones. With space constraints in my primary grow cab, it's nice to have a stealthy place for another six ladies. If I did it again, I'd try and find the fattest, tallest case I...
  18. MisterPeabody

    NUBE HERE !!! Help Appreciated

    Is that one of those venetian blind cameras? ...Just kidding. The girls look pretty. Are the leaves droopy, curled up or curled under?:joint:
  19. MisterPeabody

    My parents found my weed and pieces and now treat me like a drug addict was one of your homeys that got my daughter pregnant. 19 year old kid. Highschool dropout and living with mommy and daddy. Unfortunately, I'm probably not your best bet on a defense. Quite simply, their house-their rules. You don't like them? Coolness. Tell them your gonads just dropped...