Search results

  1. pokerstud

    Auto-Flower Bud Porn!!!

    Nice. I will have to definitly get some autos when I can.
  2. pokerstud

    Auto-Flower Bud Porn!!!

    hoepfully someday i could use autos! I look forward to it but I see they produce 10g's per plant? that sounds meh to me
  3. pokerstud

    Berry Auto

    very cool, ill be watching this!
  4. pokerstud

    WW & AK-48 grow journal

    congrats, AK is great to see.... i wish i could smoke some here in chciago
  5. pokerstud

    HIGH TIMES 2011 MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP coming to Detroit.

    wondering the same! bump
  6. pokerstud

    HIGH TIMES 2011 MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP coming to Detroit.

    can i get some more info? me and my buddies want to head there but i mean honestly will I smoke or be able to buy there? someone get back to me please!
  7. pokerstud

    Liquid LSD

    my guy gets viles for $40
  8. pokerstud

    How Hard Is It For You To Find Shrooms?

    Hey guys so this is the 3rd week looking for shrooms since I cant smoke anymore I kinda wanna trip. 5 of us went through our phones asked everyone possible to see if they had the hookup. Its not like just want an 8th.. I dont get it why is it so hard? Same by you or am i alone in fuggin chicago
  9. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    rubberneck has no offiliation with the manufacturers of the extremem q. I used the vape a good amount.. Its pretty decent I just wish i had a bubbler to attach to it
  10. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    WARNING:::: The cheap extreme q's are NOT warenteed. Its been confirmed.
  11. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    bought it for $165 shipped :) ill let everyone know how it works
  12. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    I saw a herbal air for $180 im thinking that or the extreme
  13. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    ebay man $165 shipped it looks like a deal i cant pass
  14. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    I see this extreme q for $165 online.. It seems pretty good any comments?
  15. pokerstud

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    just like everyone else I want a volcano but dont have the money!!! What are some cheap good vapes that make sick bags
  16. pokerstud

    So I found 1200+ rounds of ammo today....

    lol i have 1200 rounds in every closet of my house.... 22 bricks are fun to buy on sale hahaha
  17. pokerstud

    Price for dank/mids/reggy

    is that just regs?
  18. pokerstud

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    either I dont know the right people or something.. basically chicago sucks $400/zip of good kush $100ish for a zip of regs I smoke regs every day with atleast 4 of my friends and regs is the only thing we cud afford when we all put $5 in each and hash and other edibles I WISH
  19. pokerstud

    How much does Weed cost where you live?

    damn where are you from, zips are 4 here. everyones a jewrat around here
  20. pokerstud

    the chitown sourkush thread

    how about the bears performance on monday :)? how much do you move normally in chicago? I probably smoked some of your good before ahha