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  1. T

    Need An Estimate Of Weed Wholesale Price

    Just roughly. Say, 1 oz retails at $x. How much should a grower ask for 10oz? a kilo?
  2. T

    How much energy would you have to use to alert authorities?

    we could set up fake business could justify high electricity usage. There were talks about large aquariums and pottery, anyone else got good ideas?
  3. T

    How much energy would you have to use to alert authorities?

    If I used, say, 8kw for lights and 2 more for the rest of the stuff and my bill jumped from 500kwh per month to 5000kwh surely everyone at any electrical company would get suspicious. As for power company having no legal right to alert authorities, that's what anonymous tip off lines are for...
  4. T

    Anyone tried to make grow room "2 storeys" high?

    Sorry if this question is stupid/noobish but if the strain you're growing is quite short could you go like this: 40cm soil/hydro/aero 60cm the plant itself 25cm distance to light 20cm light 5cm shelf =1.5m the same on top of shelf =3m Has anybody done it, is it...