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  1. R

    First time grower. Plant Dying? HELPPP!

    Basically I need a step-by-step guide on how to grow. :)
  2. R

    First time grower. Plant Dying? HELPPP!

    :wall:.... this is how we feel. Our fist plant is about 3 months old and about a good 2-3 feet tall and I have NO CLUE where I am in the cycle nor do I know what Is happening to my plant. :( 1.) The top tier of leaves are drooping near the end of the tip. 2.) The leaves begin to curl...
  3. R

    1st plant need help!!

    It's kinda funny for me to read this. My boyfriend and I are growing out first one also and are going on our 3rd month around the 1st tomorrow.. Our plants look similar but our has more leaves. Were also victims to the lightbulbs from the home, which we'll change soon. :) Keep this updated!