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  1. smok'n j

    11 1/2 weeks in flower, what do ya think

    yea, I think I'm going to harvest the one that is saying she is ready, despite the color of the trichs. the other two I'll wait until they tell me they are ready
  2. smok'n j

    11 1/2 weeks in flower, what do ya think

    I have three girls at 11 and 1/2 weeks in flower. one of them looks like it could be ready, but there are no amber trichs yet. the other two have pistils turning color on the lower buds, the top ones are still white. do you think I should harvest the one labeled #3 that looks like it could be...
  3. smok'n j

    Any way to recycle ALL runoff/waste water?

    they do make zero waste RO systems now. when I lived off the grid and had to haul water, I hated to see water go down the drain just to get clean drinking water.
  4. smok'n j

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    I have been wanting to go to burning man. when is it this year?
  5. smok'n j

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    Hi, are you still looking? do you want to meet at the socal renaissance faire.
  6. smok'n j

    Fan carbon filter advice

    you have a small space it should be fine. I have a radioshack fan and a homemade carbon filter. a 4" exhaust and a 3" intake in a 3x3x7 space, it take's care of the smell unless I open it up. the plants are doing well also.
  7. smok'n j

    Is this herm?

    It's gone, I chopped it.
  8. smok'n j

    Is this herm?

    I pulled it and a couple of other one's that was not growing that well. thanks for the help.
  9. smok'n j

    Is this herm?

    I have a plant that is flowering, but it looks like it is developing male pollen sacks. the picture is not the best, but you might be able to tell. what do you think?
  10. smok'n j

    *De-humidifier question please*

    I have the same problem as you, but I don't think that dehumidifier will work (it might). on doing research the peltier type does not work as will as the freon type. some don't work past 65% relative humidity. it might help, but not get down as low as you want. let me know if you try it out and...