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  1. C

    Going to start my first grow soon I have some questions naturally

    will the 100w mh need air circulation?
  2. C

    Going to start my first grow soon I have some questions naturally

    Well I plan on buying the auto easy rider seeds feminized. The light I plan on using is the 2ft 4 bulb t5 new wave fixture with a mix of 6500 and 3000. This would be a total of 96 watts my first question is how many autoflowers do you think this light could support I'm confident it will grow...
  3. C

    Avatar on Mushrooms

    screw that i'd rather watch fern gully its the same story but without the gay cgi and awesome music to go along, people need to bring back old school animations this computer shit just looks gay i have more appreciation for hand drawn shit thats all im saying i haven't seen avatar but i...