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  1. S

    water reservoir watering wand/pump??

    im thinking of putting a submersible pump on the bottom, hooked to a hose with a triggered watering wand. would have to plug it in and unplug it each time you use it, but it would work. no one else seems to have any ideas............
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    water reservoir watering wand/pump??

    i recently set up a 40 gal tank to keep as a water reservoir. i put a small bubbler in the bottom to keep the water moving and oxygenated. ive been looking online for something to use as a watering wand. something that i can either manually pump or a pump that i can put in an can be controlled...
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    yea ive seen the same thing, but mine stayed nice and green the whole time, haven't yellowed at all. roots have developed, going to let them stay in there for a couple more days. i have super lemon haze, cheese, vanilla kush, and strawberry haze all going right now, only the SLH and VK are...
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    Just wanted to finalize this thread for anyone that may have the same question in the future. This was my first time trying an aeroponic type clone machine, so i wasn't sure what to exactly expect. Hotwire and tiptop were correct, there was nothing wrong, they started rooting after around...
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    i had 3 people saying 3 different things like usual.... so i was looking for some sort of consensus on the issue. :hump: anyways.... thanks +
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    i appreciate this fact! I only wanted to know if the browning is typical, im not too worried just curious!!! Forget it....... Jesus butt fucking christ
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    i know its only been 2 days, i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... i just want to know if the browning is typical! does anyone else think re-cutting is necessary?
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    i know they are going to take at least 5 days to show rooting typically, i just checked for the hell of it, and the cut end was a little brown..... just wanted to know if this was typical.... thanks for the help everyone....
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    leaves look great..... just the cut end is browning up..... never been able to see the cut end before, always put them in soil. the cut end browning up seemed like something that would be normal, i was just hoping someone could confirm.......
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    been in there for 2 days
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    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    what is recutting it going to do? what was my problem the first time for it to brown up, and if i dont change anything and just cut it again, wouldnt it more than likely do the same thing?
  12. S

    tip of clone browning, normal or not?

    the tip of the clones i took have started to brown up a little bit where i cut them. i used a clean sharp razor blade and cut it at a 45 degree angle. i have them in a aeroponic type clone machine, this is the first time ive tried rooting a clone in this type of machine. is it normal for the...
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    Interview with Green House Seeds

    its doesnt have to be a 45 min process but a quick overview of good things to know about optimizing their product, like ph for soil growing.... who really cares about anything else they have to say anyway? maybe some new strains they're working on or something....... other than that i dont care...
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    Interview with Green House Seeds

    what else does he have to talk about??????????? they grow marijuana and produce seeds. i want to know how to optimize growing their product, and if they want people to buy it, they should do everything in their power to let us know the best ways to grow their strains.
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    Interview with Green House Seeds

    I would like to know about optimal ph levels for growing in soil with their strains. I've read the Strawberry Haze likes a lower ph than normal(5.9 increasing to 6.5 towards end of flowering), because it was bred in a hydro system. I dont know if this is true, but I have 3 different greenhouse...
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    seedling came out sideways/leaning/isnt supporting itself well

    its not stretching the seedling came out sideways. the t5 lighting is at most 2 inches the 1 inch tall plant thats all stretched out......... THANKS MONKZ....... thats basically what i figured, just wanted some assurance.... ++
  17. S

    seedling came out sideways/leaning/isnt supporting itself well

    strawberry haze seed, been in soil for 10 days. it sprouted from the soil slower than the other seeds i germinated and planted. recently i noticed the bottom of the stem coming out of the soil was coming out at almost a 90 degree angle, and then sort of straightens out towards the light. the...
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    Sulphites Molasses

    ive heard use unsulphured so unless its says unsulphured i probably wouldnt use it. i am definitely not an expert on the subject though so good luck
  19. S

    thoughts or comments by anyone who has grown any of these 6 strains

    im going to end up growing out all of them and i'll probably just decide after i see each for myself. anyone have any experience with any of these? advice would be appreciated.