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  1. P

    When do fungus gnats lay their eggs?

    Anyone know when these things actually lay their eggs?
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    When do fungus gnats lay their eggs?

    I went to sleep and there was nothing in my room. In fact, earlier that day I cleaned my entire room from top to bottom. I woke up about 5 hours later and noticed fungus gnat adults flying in my room about 15-20. Some got stuck in the flytrap, some were on the floor of the growrooom, some were...
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    R.I.P. White Widow?

    I just picked it up and noticed mites all over my hand. Think I might just start all over and do it right this time with all the proper equipment. These fucking bugs are pissing me off. I either want to submerge the soil in water or just put it in the oven to fry every single fucker
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    R.I.P. White Widow?

    I think they're dead guys. It could of been anything from not having a ph kit to finding bugs and gnats in my soil. Temps were good, water was filtered, ventilation was good. I'm thinking it was Ph related/overwatering (curling/droopy leaves). All White Widows which is sad but I've learned A...
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant

    Yea I started noticing them about 2 days after a good watering (3 1/2 weeks into veg). I gave each plant about a water bottle and a half anf I guess the moist conditions exposed them.
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant

    Thanks, I'll do that in the future if the problem persists. Right now the biggest problem is that the gnats are in the developing stages. very small white dots moving around the soil. I know I can take the remainder of the soil and just put it in the oven and fry them but I don't know how to get...
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant

    From what I noticed, FF Light Warrior is dry, and I haven't seen any bugs (so far), but when I opened the bag of Ocean Forest it was moist, well not like wet moist, but the soil was dark in color and looked very fresh. And these pests love water and moisture so maybe that's it. O and I really...
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant

    No, I THOUGHT they were spider mites but they're fungus gnats (I think). Definitely not spider mites. Still disgusting though.
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant

    Well, well, well. Im a first time grower and everything was going fine until just about 2 days ago. I was looking at my plants and then notice something crawling on my pots and soil. I get all red and furious. I'm in total shock because the LAST thing I need is bug problems. I'm like where did...
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    Short Plant Size/Curly Leaves

    i use a 400w hps anywhere from 12-21" inches depending on the temperature. nothing below 74 and nothin above 86. no its filtered fridge water and then i let it stand in a gallon container until it reaches room temperature.
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    Short Plant Size/Curly Leaves

    no one???????
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    Short Plant Size/Curly Leaves

    bump fdgdfgg
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    Short Plant Size/Curly Leaves

    So my first question is regarding the plant size. It's a Seedsman White Widow 24 days old and the plant is only 4 inches tall. I'm a first time grower by the way. Soil - Fox Farms Ocean Forest 70% /Light Warrior 30% Temperature - 76 - 86 Nutes - Supplied nutes one time 1/4 strength and decided...
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    Cracked Stem?

    Im growing 3 plants and all of them show signs of a cracking stem so I covered the stem with some soil. Anyone know the problem of this? Plants are 18 days old.
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    Fox Farm and Nutes

    no replies?
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    Fox Farm and Nutes

    bump vvvvvv
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    Fox Farm and Nutes

    Im currently using FF Light Warrior and I have a feeling the grow is too slow. It's almost a week from the time I planted it in the soil and I just wanted to know when do I start adding nutes? When transplanting into a 1 gallon do I mix Light Warrior and Ocean Forest or just Ocean Forest? Will...
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    Fox Farm Soil Question

    any more opinions?
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    Fox Farm Soil Question

    Hey all, new here and first time grower. I've learned a lot through this site and hope to learn more. I have two soils. FF Light Warrior and FF Ocean Forest. I started my germinated seeds into the FF Light Warrior and want to know a couple of answers. a) When transplanting into a 1 gallon...