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  1. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Thanks a lot! And will do man!
  2. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 39 Hey everyone! The plant is looking really good and you can see the first bud starting to form! I'm really happy at least 1 of the plants ended up being a female. I can't wait to see how this bud turns out! I also officially planted the blue cheese seed as well so I'll be updating you...
  3. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Thanks dude! And I just kinda mixed the soil in with it so hopefully that works!
  4. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 36 Well unfortunately the sour was a male :/ It's too bad cause this plant was really looking beautiful. I've put more soil in the white pot now so hopefully it starts growing a bit more. Also I'm pretty sure that its a female but I'm not sure so if anyone can confirm that it'd be...
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    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Yeah I took a better look at it today :/ deff a male..
  6. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 34 I'm back everyone!! Sorry that i haven't been updating like I used's been a busy past 2 weeks. Anyways, let me catch you guys up. So these things are starting to get really tall and have been flowering for a while now. I do however believe that the sour is a hermie...but not 100%...
  7. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Sorry man I been mad busy. I'll get some pictures up in an hr or so. Sorry again everyone
  8. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 27 Hey everyone, sorry its been a while since I updated the log. I had a bunch going on this weekend and was really busy. Anyways these plants are looking beautiful and the sour is growing especially well. I'm not sure about the sex on these yet but I should be able to know in a couple...
  9. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Haha thanks a bunch man!
  10. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Yeah the white one is in need of some soil for sure.
  11. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 23 Well these plants are officially on their second day of flowering and they are continuing to boom which is awesome. Run I'll get back to you tomorrow cause i cant check right now, sorry. Anyways enjoy guys.
  12. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Haha thanks man!
  13. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 22 Well guys I have officially begun flowering them! Last night was their first night of darkness and already these plants are starting to pound out leaves. I cant wait to see what sex these things are, hopefully i got 2 females :D Anyways here's how they are looking, enjoy!
  14. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Hey run, I've actually had them under 24 hrs of light. We started flowering last night but I'm still not sure what I'm gunna do, I'll prolly just top them or something. But for now they are looking good so for now I'll just kick back and enjoy the beauty of them ;-)
  15. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Haha I know man I hope I get two females :D
  16. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 20 Just a quick little update for today. Plants look super healthy and seem to be growing very well! Check em out!
  17. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    I aint got shit to work with lol, maybe 2 feetish at max. I think ill just top em or something. And thank you shrx for the advice and the sub!
  18. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    thanks man! and haha no doubt they are in beast mode
  19. Y

    Sour Diesel/Bag Seed Grow Log

    Day 19 Well these plants have been vegging for almost 2 weeks now and I am currently contemplating starting flowering either today or tomorrow due to not having that tall of a space to grow in. LST could be an option but this is more of a space test run right now so that will prolly be used next...