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  1. CLM@THCMontana

    twin kolahs w/o topping?!?!.pictures shortly

    not a huge deal IMO....every time I crack new seeds some end up growing more than one main shoot. As long as it is healthy, enjoy watching them grow, and if they are to be mommas, remember the tops dont clone as well so more than one shoot can be good and would give you more from the bottom to...
  2. CLM@THCMontana

    yellowing first shoot

    I have yet to try any 12/12 form seed, but I use clones. Any time you make a plant do something it wasnt intended to do it is bound to have little odd things go on. I wouldnt fret over one yellow leave. Sounds like you are feeding it planty. Check for root bound though. growing that fast the tep...
  3. CLM@THCMontana

    ewwww water growers :P each his own, just more to go wrong faster IMO. But those who do...

    ewwww water growers :P each his own, just more to go wrong faster IMO. But those who do it, and do it well have my respect.
  4. CLM@THCMontana

    Soil ph problems first grow need expert help

    Just dont overdue it...better to not nute burn it (seems to be a popular term around here) remember any changes you make will take 7 days or so to show up, dont over mother her ;)
  5. CLM@THCMontana

    Soil ph problems first grow need expert help

    I had a few like that and I flushed them and epsom salt watered them once then went back to my normal plant food and they are very happy now.
  6. CLM@THCMontana

    i want the best what strain in your op is best

    anyone here try Jedi41 yet? my fav to grow is an Ice strand, smells great, tastes great and clones like no tomorrow.