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  1. S

    flower room

    I just put my plant into flower however im having trouble with my wall of mylar...i have a three walled corner that i have my setup in but the mylar wall im using as a door is not cutting it...what else can i use to make a 4th wall/door for my room?
  2. S

    Help selecting a grow medium please

    i use rockwool...very easy to work with
  3. S

    pre flowers????

    IMO it is pretty rare that a plant will show sex during veg, however it is very possible that it does...this does not mean that you MUST flower her...i've hade my plant in veg for a little over a month and it's like a good 3 feet now...
  4. S

    Manually water Rockwool ?

    i have all my plants in rockwool and i love's clean and easy to work with...i water them every other day...u'll get a feel for it once u get started...just pik it up, if u think it's too light, then water it...o ya i hand water what i do is i just take the plant in the rock...
  5. S

    Updates on the MasterxBubba...PICS

    I have some updated pics of the plant...i also have a question or two...i've had her for about a month and a 1/2 now and im ready to start flower but i gotta buy a HPS bulb for my 1000w ballast...any question iz...y does she look so's got realy long branches that look like...
  6. S

    My new projects...***pics***

    these are pics of my new plants that i started workin on about 2 weeks ago...i got 3 clones (Ice, Pure, and NY Sour Diesel) and germinated 8 sour diesel seeds that seem to be doin fine except for the one on the right...the clones have already rooted all the way through the rockwool i have them...
  7. S

    male or female?

    Hey guys ...i got a fairly simple question i think however i realy havn't found a clear answer. I have 10 seeds that i sprouted of Sour D and i want to know, at what stage can i determine the sex...i always thought they show sex in flower only. is this true...i dont wanna have to grow all the...
  8. S

    from flowering to veg

    i was just thinkin of ideas to throw in the air cuz im getttin ready to flower in like 2 weeks so im just preparing myself for whats to come...
  9. S

    24hr lighting

    24 for sure...
  10. S

    from flowering to veg

    I was wondering...if i have a plant in flower and is already showing buds and what not and i move it to veg, i know it goes back into it's veg state, but, what happens to the bud? Do they close back up and wait for 12/12 again to open?
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    updated pics of my grow...

    i just moved her into a 3 gallon pot with shreded rock wool...should have pics up soon...she is realy growin...
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    Fluorescent grow light on seedlings

    T8? im not sure if that'll work very efficently but i would leave it on 4 24hrs...
  13. S

    updated pics of my grow...

    i was thinkin like 4 or 5 dat normal? i was thinkin i could start flowering in like 3 weeks or that too early cuz u said to wait another month?
  14. S

    updated pics of my grow...

    I bought her as a clone...actualy my friend owns a co-op and he bought like 6...sold 5 of the clones and i kept one of planin on cloning her when it's ready...sooo im assuming its a girl...when is it a good time to get a clone off a veging plant?
  15. S

    updated pics of my grow...

    here are a few updated pics...i redid the grow area...i put some mylar inside, changed the outside mylar, added a fan, and brouth the plant up closer to light...any suggestions...also i tried to do a search on "scrog", i couldnt realy find any detailed help...any ideas as to where i can find info?
  16. S

    NOOB GROW...1st grow

    i actualy do have one fan but today i moved it 2 feet from the plant...i figured every other day ill drop it so it doesn't get was only under a 24w 2ft a da or two ill have it 12"...does this sound like a good move?
  17. S

    NOOB GROW...1st grow

    Hey guys...i've been lurking around for the past few days now and i finaly got some pics of my plant tell me what you guys think. I have a grow room setup on top of a bathtub built with plywood. I just put the plant under a 400w MH like 4 feet away from it because it's only the second