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  1. C


    the only reason to do it is commercial growing ^_^ dkhd
  2. C

    i spinning in circles

    what is that lavatory? an hash lavatory?? =D
  3. C

    FDD, i might steal your crown soon

    ice, it's like an atomic bomb burst in your head! =D
  4. C


    foily, those webs can be some "pupa", do you have some pic? So you check every day your plants, if you don't see leaves damaged or so you could wait harvest time to clean your buds.. Show me some pictures please.. bye
  5. C

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    I think the most potent is Ice... The best weed i ever smoked is NYD in A'dam. Noon's Blueberry is a very good strain..
  6. C


    "catapillars" are only the babies of olometabolic insects, they eats some of your plant leaves for few days before become a "pupa". These "catapillars" will be some butterflies or other olometabolic insects.. Remember that larves doesn't make any eggs =D Bye bye.. your Italian, bad english...
  7. C

    Mold!! please help!

    uhm bayer... yes... the same of heroin, marketed as a cure for morphine addiction.. ^_^ I prefer to smoke a joint of mold =p
  8. C

    i'm gonna call this one "sweet tooth #3"

    1,5 lbs not 5! 1,5 is very very good for only 1 plant.. congratulation fdd..
  9. C

    what is this bug?

    ah.. so i don't know what kind of bug is it.. I have never seen it here in Italy.. probably it doesn't live in europe ^_^ you can try to catch one spider and put it on the top of your buds.. or patiently pick them off with your hands =)
  10. C

    Frost Dates 2007

    You can translate celsius in farenheit here Servizi di traduzione, lavori di traduzione e traduttori freelance =D
  11. C

    what is this bug?

    That "bug" is Tetranychus Urticae (arachnidae family), this spider eats the lynph of your plant.. you can buy Phitoseiulus persimilis (antagonist of tetranychus) or try to spray water (it hates water) on infected buds.. Sorry for my bad english but i'm italian..