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  1. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    Hey everybody, haverst day came today, chopped everything up, a lil early i might add, but it is what it is, had to do it, everything is in the dryer now, i will let you guys now final weight when i get it
  2. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    they were yelowish, sorry for the quality, it was with my cellphone, they are looking better now, i found what the problem was, I missed a feeding, they were hungry. but now listen to this the other night a really strong wind came in, it almost killed all my girls, the buds you see in that...
  3. majim420

    My attempt at a SCROG 09

    Fuck them, u'lldo another one
  4. majim420

    Super Lemon Haze

    damm bro, those plants are looking healthy as hell, check out my rooftop grow and tell me what u think , advices welcome
  5. majim420

    When to add bloom nutes

    im newbie growing outdoor for the first time check out my journal, please help, any advices welcome
  6. majim420

    First outdoor door

    looking good, maybe those off looking plants are just steressed, hope they make it trough, thanks for the coments , just posted new pics check em out, tell me what u think
  7. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    my buddy just sent some pics of the crop, they are loking fine, seems like my big girl just was a little hungry, they are looking mighty strong now, pics of the yellow leaves, a apparently they are frosting up like xmas time:hump:, tell me what u guys think , as soon as i go up to check them...
  8. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    *separated shoulder
  9. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    im posted it as soon as i can, i havent been able to climb to the rooftopp in almost 2 weeks, i got a separated should training for MMA, and cant climb there right now, my groew buddy is taking carer now lets see what can we do!
  10. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    WTF? my biggest girl leaves are yelowwing what could this be any help, please HELp
  11. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    Quick update! ANOTHER MALE FOUND FUCK!!! im down to 5 girls, had alittle accident while bending one of the girls, a little unwanted topping, nothing to critical, will post pictures one of these days again
  12. majim420

    Super Lemon Haze

    very nice looking plants bro, keep up the good work , check my grow and give me some advices
  13. majim420

    Check my 1st Outdoor Medical Grow!

    looking nice bro, i know what you mean, but you are looking good, im def following yoour grow
  14. majim420

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    damm, loking really nice, thats state of the art right there, check out my primitice outdoor grow lol, and give me some advice
  15. majim420

    midwest gorroilla grow

    i think the best thing you can do is make your own little resevoir close to you grow, so u dont have to be carriyng water all the time, and put some barb wire arround them, check out my grow i have them on a rooftop in something i built.
  16. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    Hey guys some new pictures, bit out of focus, just killed the last male total 3 males 1 hermie, 8 or 7 left all girls:weed: here are some pics, my largest one went popped out of the tent foir a couple of hours, thats why her tip is a lilttle burned. any advices please
  17. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    thanks man , lets see those end results
  18. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    yup, up in a roof, it is what it is, gotta take a lil risk
  19. majim420

    First Outdoor Grow...

    thats why i killed it, cuz it was arround all my other girls
  20. majim420

    Instead of Molasses Maple Syrup?

    CHECK out my grow, first time outdoor, see my signature