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  1. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    ps the big bud was about 3 1/2 in's long he said the biggest he got in alll was almost 6 in's idk though i plan on going to see that one lol that is a big bud for a LR but idk we'll see if i get time i couldn't get over there today he just stoped by with that it weigh's 3.8 and it's been drying...
  2. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    here go a few pic's of my homies LR2*AK47 (pretty good weed) it's not dry yet i'll be giveing it a smoke test tomorrow sry about the quality of the pic's (crappy camera). oh and i will say it smell's and look's about like mine although mine was a lil bit more crystaley or however u spell that...
  3. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    plant's took a beating from the rain the past 2 day's there doing ok though (the rain did know the spider web's off) but they were giveing the plants some measure of protection. some good new's though my buddy is planning on pulling his lowriders today he's promised some of the bud so hopefully...
  4. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    yeah i didn't go anywhere just a full plate and my hip's been killing me *bonegraph*. oh and the spiders are on the outside plant's i don't have any inside to much worry i have to many ppl around and i don't wanna worry about all my business getting around. idk if theres a diff on the spiders...
  5. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    reggie top picreggiereggie top picreggie and white berry on rightboth reggieWhite Widow all plant's are now sexed besides the Whie widow and one reggie the White berry was ate by something idk what i had to move the White widow from inside to outside so instead of doing the same with the LR i...
  6. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    idk why it did that i uploaded like i alway's do but i clicked attachment and it worked so just try that if yall want to see the pic's peace and may you be blessed with bud a many and many a bud
  7. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    LR lovelyWW under light LR from above this cam didn't get the nug shot's i wanted oh well ima get one soonLR and my soilWW decent looking growing slow thoughLR LOOKIN NICEWWLR on Left WW on right
  8. GOODoleBOY

    The Wet Rat, and Some LST on Northern Lights and Nirvana Mystery Seeds

    once again LOOKING FUCKING BEAUTIFUL MAN keep it up dude peace oh and may u be blessed with bud a many and many a bud omg wtf is that a gecko in my pot lmfao sry i had to show yall that thought yall'd like it *geckos name is CREEPS* cause when u get him high he takes a step and stop's and...
  9. GOODoleBOY

    First grow, help is appreciated

    very nice man very nice
  10. GOODoleBOY

    Chris' 2nd White Widow and Mystery Seed CFL Grow

    how many watts are u pushing man i knwo u used flouros last time what about this time good luck there looking good and may u be blessed with bud a many and many a bud
  11. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    i still haven't got any pic's of my buddy's plant's yet can't this weekend he's at monthly training for the National Guard (WeEDeND WaRRiOr) lmao. but the bad new's is he had to move them twice cause of heat from the 5.0 he had them at his neighbor's and the guy got into a arguement witn another...
  12. GOODoleBOY

    New CFL grow using Miracle-Gro African Violet Potting Mix in 6" pots

    yeah well it'll proabley surprise you but i'l like to know if i were you too i'm hope when i go 12/12 that WW is a female oh and i forgot to tell yall that i got 2 female's and i chopped 3 male's from bagseeed outside
  13. GOODoleBOY

    nirvana white widow and mystery seed cfl 12/12 grow

    he's proabley busy like i was for a week or two there
  14. GOODoleBOY

    New CFL grow using Miracle-Gro African Violet Potting Mix in 6" pots

    very nice man my nug's on my LR are almost that big if not then that big idk i don't think there quite that big yet but it's a LR so it'll beef up soon peace and keep it going dude
  15. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    CHECK my homie CREEPS OUT i think he approves of the LR man lmao
  16. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    yeah if it's a female it wasn't a FEMed seed so idk what it is i'll find out when i get to 12/12 i'm at 22on 2off right now i'll move down every few day's untill the LOwRiDer is done then i'll finally go to 12/12 know what i mean oh and check out my geck i'll add it in a second lol he's hella...
  17. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    i forgot about the White Widow as u can tell i've been trainging it
  18. GOODoleBOY

    Chris' 2nd White Widow and Mystery Seed CFL Grow

    idk how much you'll yield yet ima wait a while till i guess check my journal i finally got pic's up i've been so busy lately but my WW look's nothing like you're man it's ok but my LR2*ak47 is a BEAUTY about 3-4 and a half weeks and she'll be ready i can't wait man lol peace and good luck dude...
  19. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    can you all see the pic's bottom of page 7 and on page 8 also ???
  20. GOODoleBOY

    LR2*AK47,WHITEWIDOW,bagseed ghetto organic grow

    :lol: :lol:clearer pictures of the LR2*ak47 i finally figured out the camera) well for the most part anyway lol i tried to take some macro pic's or wtf ever there called the bud's are about a quarter to a half dollare size so 2-3 inches (didn't work out to well but these are...