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  1. lampoon

    name that grass... man

    for all those who are growing bag seed atm lets come together for a moment to present our own name for the beauty that is "reaching for the sky just to get us high" my sweet shashuna is called Trichasaurus Rex
  2. lampoon

    to nute or not to nute?

    im 30 days into flowering and have yet to use nutes due to my soil being mg moisture control and having them in it but at this point i think they might be used all up. its been 2 1/2 months from seed and i feel the size of the main colas reflects the need for nutes during this stage in...
  3. lampoon

    doesnt look very sexy

    using cfl's 100 watt daylight and 1 month into veg in mg moisture control. everything looks good on top just the lower level of one of my plants seems to be struggling. i looked in the diagnostic thread but couldnt really find a match. thanks for your help :)
  4. lampoon

    organic garden soil

    im through the germ stage and just put the seeds in some pots. just now realized the soil says don't use with any containers. am i fucked here or should i get something else?
  5. lampoon

    random seeds

    so i got some random seeds from my friend which he got from random bags of weed is there any way to tell at any point the breed or type is??